Chapter 92

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"Hospital Wing now!" George yells dragging you and Fred out of your bed. "Why?" Fred whines and grabs George's ankle. "Ginny, Ron and Hermione!" He yells and starts running your of your room. You quickly get up and grab Fred. "Come on!" You yell. Fred gets up and you both chase after George into the Hospital Wing. You run in and see the three of them in beds. You run over to Ginny and hug her. You do the same to Hermione and Ron. "What the bloody hell happened?" You say kissing Ron's head. "We went to the Ministry!" Ginny says excitedly. 

"Lucius Malfoy was there with a bunch of Death Eaters. They were trying to get some sort of prophecy." Ron says. "Big battle! The Order came and helped as well." Hermione says. "Is Luna, Neville and Harry okay?" You ask. "Luna and Neville are okay. Harry..." The three of them looked at each other. "What?" You raise an eyebrow. "Um, Sirius. He...." Hermione looks down. "Oh no." You whisper. "Does anyone know where he is?" George asks. They shake their heads. "Sirius was such a good person. Harry looked so happy when he was with him." Hermione says. 

You nod. "I think I might know where he is." You say and leave the wing. You walk down to the Black Lake and sure enough, Harry is sitting there. You walk over and sit next to him. "I head what happened. I know you probably don't want to talk about it just yet." You say. Harry shakes his head no. "If you don't mind me saying, Sirius was really a great man. You both looked so happy when you were around each other." You laugh a bit.

Harry doesn't say anything. You sigh. "It may seem that Sirius was the only family left but..." You pause and look towards him. "You still have us. Everyone is going to be with you throughout this whole war. Every single step of the way. You may feel lonely from time to time, but you have to remember that you still have people in your life that cares about you." You put your hand on his shoulder. "Family doesn't always have to be about blood. Don't Ron and Hermione feel like family to you?" You ask smiling at him a bit. 

He nods and looks back at the water. "You have a whole big family right here. Hogwarts is our home. Now come on, we're going to miss the feast." You say standing up. You put your hand out for Harry to grab and he does. You both walk back up to the castle and head to the Great Hall. 

"Another year gone! It is astonishing how fast it has gone. Many of you will be back in the fall, many of you will not. Seventh Years, you have came a long long way in your wizarding studies. I would ask if all of you would stay after the feast just for a little while. You won't miss the train." Dumbledore says. You look at Fred. "Why is he making us stay?" You ask. "Don't know. I heard that he makes the Seventh Years swim back to the train just for fun." Fred smiles. You roll your eyes. "If we swim, I bet you seven Sickles I can beat you to the train." You whisper. Fred looks at you and smirks. "You're on Y/l/n." He winks before looking back at Dumbledore. 

"Let the feast begin." Dumbledore says. Food appears on the table and yada yada. Everyone else leaves the Great Hall while all of you Seventh Years stay seated. "Now I bet you're all wondering why I made you stay back." Dumbledore says. "Yes we are!" You shout. Dumbledore smiles and laughs a bit. "Let's take a look into the past." He takes his wand out and kids sitting in boats reveal once he taps the air. "These kids are you from back in your First Year. You rode boats across the lake to get here." The air zooms in on a specific boat. "Oh no." You cover your face.

"Well there's Miss. Y/f/n Y/l/n. With Fred and George Weasley of course." He laughs. Everyone starts laughing as well. "Please move on!" You say and start turning red. Dumbledore chuckles and air zooms away from your boat. He turns back towards everyone. "I came up with a tradition, long ago when I first became Headmaster here at Hogwarts. Where the Seventh Years ride the boats back to Hogsmeade Station. To relive your memories that you made seven years ago." Dumbledore smiles. 

Fred stands up. "Yes, Mr. Weasley?" Dumbledore says. Fred clears his throat. "Is there, by any chance we could swim across the lake?" He asks with a serious face. "I don't see why not." He smiles. Fred turns back to you and smiles. George stand up. "Bets! Get your bets here! A race! Between Y/f/n Y/l/n and Fred Weasley!" He waves his wand and a basket with slots in it pops up. People start running over and betting whose going to win. "Y/n is going to win! I mean look at her! She's so athletic and strong!" A Ravenclaw says.

"But Fred is taller and has longer limbs! He'll swim faster than Y/n!" A Slytherin says. You look up at Dumbledore who is smiling at the group. "Alright settle down now. We'll be going to the boats in five minutes. Y/n and Freed, you may want to go change." Dumbledore says. You and Fred run out of the Great Hall to change. 

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