Chapter 73

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You start to hear the song from the egg. "Come seek us where are voices sound, we cannot sing above the ground." The mermaid sings. You get out of the heard of seaweed and see a bunch of ruins. You look farther to see five people floating. You swim as fast as you can to see who they are. "Oh my god." You say. Fred, Ron, Hermione, Cho and you're guessing, Fleur's sister are floating there with ropes tied to their ankles. Cedric swim over and unties Cho. Harry swims up and tries to untie Ron. Cedric tapes his wand and Harry nods. Krum swims up with a shark head and snaps the ropes from Hermione's ankles. 

You untie Fred and start heading up to the surface.You look down and see Harry struggling with a bunch of mer things attacking him. You push Fred up to the surface with Ron and the Beauxbatons girl. You take your wand out and point it down. "Stupefy!" It hits a few of those weird things. They swim away and Harry starts sinking. You grab Harry's arm trying to swim up. The bubble around your head disappears and you freak out.

You point your wand up at the surface and propel out of the water, crashing onto the docks. You gasp for air and cough water out. "Well done Y/n!" Seamus says and wraps a towel around you while Dean wraps one around Harry. "I-I have one thing to say about this. Fuck water. I hate this shit." You say. Harry starts laughing. George, Lee and Fred run over to you. "Oh thank god you're okay." Fred says kissing your head. "I'm glad you're okay!" You say and hug him. 

Dumbledore gets down to all of you. "The first person up to the surface was none other than Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore announces. Everyone cheers for him. "Mr. Krum in second place! But, in Miss. Y/l/n's ability to save her person and another Champion. Mr. Potter's ability to save Miss. Delacour's sister, I award Y/n second place and Harry third." Dumbledore says. 

You get back up to Hogwarts and change into warmer clothes. "You really did brilliant." Fred kisses you. "Thank you Fred. I was actually about to have a panic attack when I saw you in the water with everyone else." You say. Dinner rolls around and as you're walking there with Fred, people keep coming up and shaking your hand congratulating you. You awkwardly say thank you and keep walking. "You're getting popular." Fred laughs. "Oh whatever. Let's just go to dinner. Almost drowning earlier made me hungry." You groan. 

You sit down and start piling food onto your play. "Hey Mini Ronald, save some for us." George jokes. You hit him and start eating. Cedric walks over and sits down next to you. "Hey Cedric, congratulations on getting first." You high give him. "Thanks Y/n, nice work getting second. That was brilliant. I wonder what the last task is." He says. Moody walks over and grabs both of you. "I can tell ya what the next task is." He says looking between you. "What is it Professor?" Cedric asks. You hit him. "Nobody is supposed to help." You whisper.

Moody takes out a flask taking a drink it. "A maze." He says and walks off. You look at Cedric and give him a confused look. "I hate mazes. I always have a fear of getting lost in them." You mumble and walk back to your seat. "What did Moody want?" Ron asks. You push your plate away. "Told me and Cedric what the final task is." You get up and walk out of the Great Hall.  

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