Chapter 45

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You walk to the Courtyard and sit down. "Fuck Garcia. I hate her so fucking much. I did nothing to her and she decides to be a complete bitch." You mutter to yourself. "Y/n!" Someone yells. You don't turn around and just bring your knees up to your chest and cry. Someone sits next to you and wraps their arms around you. You look up and see Fred. You stand up and walk away. "Y/n! Wait, please!" He yells. You stop and turn around. "What Weasley." You say.

"Okay first, ouch. Second, what has gotten into you?" He asks. You give him a face that says "you fucking serious?" He comes up to your and grabs your hands You yank them away and start talking. "What's gotten into me? What's gotten into me!" You yell. "You should be asking yourself not me. There's nothing wrong with me." You say. You turn back around and start walking again. "You've changed Y/n. Threatening people, punching them and now putting your wand to their necks!" He yells at you.

You turn back towards him and slap him. "I didn't fucking threaten or punch anyone you gullible son of a bitch!" You scream and start running. You run down to the Black Lake and hug your knees again. You sit there forever. You missed all of your classes, haven't eaten anything all day. You stand up and start skipping rocks to pass the time. "Didn't know you were down here." You turn and see Neville standing there with a blanket, books and a plant. 

"Oh hey Neville." You smile a bit then go back to skipping rocks. "Is it okay if I set up and watch you?" He asks. "Of course Nev!" You say. He smiles and lays his blanket down. He sets his plant down and sits next to it. "Have you been here all day?" He asks. You nod. Neville looks at your face and sees the tear stains. He pats the spot next to him and you sit down. "I went to the Courtyard after what happened with Phoebe and Fred found me there. He tried to hug me and then had the audacity to ask what has gotten into me." You say. 

"Fred is just being rude. He thinks you're such a bad person because Phoebe said so and is trying to ruin your life. Once George finishes the Veritaserum and gives it to her, everything will go back to normal and Fred will know that he lost an amazing girl because of some snobby Slytherin." He says. Neville grabs your hand and you face him. "Fred is being an asshole. I promise everything will be okay in the end." He smiles. You smile too and lay your head on his shoulder.

"Do you want me to read to you? I don't know if it would be interesting. It's a book about Herbology." He laughs nervously. "Of course Nev. That would be lovely." You say. He let's go of your hand for a second to open his book then grabs it again. He starts to read as you look out at the lake. It starts to get dark and Neville stops reading. "We should probably get up to the castle now Y/n." He says. You nod and stand up. You help Neville gather his belongings and head up to the castle talking about random stuff. 

You walk into the Great Hall and sit down with Neville. Ron, Hermione and Harry all come in and sit down with you two. "George told us about the Veritaserum Y/n." Hermione says. Ron takes a big scoop of mashed potatoes and plops it onto his plate. "Yeah, it's gonna be the worst next twenty seven days of my life." You say. Harry puts his hand on your shoulder and smiles. "It'll be okay." He says. You stand up. "That's what everyone is saying. I'm really not trying to be rude, I love all of you. But I hate that everyone keeps saying that. What if in the end, it won't be okay?" You say and walk away. You go over to the Hufflepuff table and see Cedric sitting alone. You sit down next to him and slam your head onto the table. 

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