Chapter 62

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You climb to the very top of the stadium and look down at the pitch. "Wow! This is amazing!" You shout. Fred smiles and wraps his arms around your waist while resting his head on your shoulder. People fly over your head, green and white smoke come from the back of their brooms. "The Irish!" You, George and Fred yell. They do their thing. "Here come the Bulgarians!" You hear George yell.

The game goes by rather quickly. "The Irish caught the Snitch! We won!" George shouts. You celebrate by jumping up and down and dancing with Fred. You get back to the tent and start dancing again. "There's no one like Krum!" Ron says. "Krum? Dumb Krum?" George says. Ron rolls his eyes and continues. "He's like a bird the way he rides the wind!" He shouts. "He's more than an athlete....he's an artist!" "I think you're in love Ron." Ginny giggles. Ron mutters a 'shut up' to Ginny. 

Viktor, I love you! Viktor, I do!" George and Fred sing in unison. "When we're apart, my heart beats only for for!" Everyone else joins in. There's a loud crash outside but you keep celebrating. "Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on." Fred laughs. Arthur comes running back inside the tent. "Stop it! Stop it! It's not the Irish. We've got to get out of here now!" He says. Fred grabs your hand and leads you out of the tent. 

You get out and the whole grounds are on fire. Everyone else gets outside and look around. "Y/n, George and Fred! You're in charge of Ginny! Get back to the Portkey!" Arthur yells. You all nod and you grab Ginny's hand while Fred grabs your other one. You start running back to where you were earlier that morning. A Death Eater starts running your way and pulls their wand out. You let go of Fred's hand and pull your own wand out. "Stupefy!" You yell and point your wand at the Death Eater. They fly backwards and you grab Fred's hand again. 

You get back to the Portkey with Arthur close behind. "Get back to the Burrow. Wait ten second and then let go. I have to go find the others!" Arthur yells and runs back. "Let's go,  I want to go home." You say and get on the ground touching the boot. The rest do the same. You do as Arthur said, wait ten seconds and let go. You land face first into the ground again. "That one cracked my back." You say and sit up. Ginny is on her back, Fred is on his face and George... "Where's George?" You ask looking around. 

"Up here!" You look up and see George sitting in a tree. "You landed in a bloody tree?" You ask. "No, I landed on the ground and then climbed up a tree. Yes I landed in a tree Y/n." He laughs. Fred groans and you run over to him. "Are you alright love?" You ask him. You flip him so he's laying on his back. "I landed on a rock, and it hit my balls." He says. You cover your mouth so you don't start laughing. "Let's get back to the Burrow and get some ice on you." You say.

You struggle to get him up but you manage. "George, help me with your brother." You say as you drag Fred on the ground. "Nah." He says and skips away. "He weighs so much!" You yell after him. "I am right here still Y/n." Fred says. You kiss his cheek and drag him into the kitchen. "What happened?" Molly says and runs over to you. "Landed on a rock, the rock ended up being where his balls are." You say trying not to laugh. You drag Fred over to the couch and lay him down. "I'm going to get you some ice bub." You kiss his forehead and walk into the kitchen.

"Where is everyone else?" Molly asks. You put some ice into a baggie and lock it. "They are still at the grounds. Death Eaters came and set everything on fire. One of them summoned the Dark Mark." You say. "I don't really know what happened. Arthur put me, George and Fred in charge ot bring Ginny back so we did." You say 

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