Chapter 26

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"Y/N!" Fred screams and they all run over to you. They hug you. "Hey guys!" You say happily. "We've missed you so much." Harry says. Fred kisses you and you blush. "I missed you guys too. I've been lonely." You laugh a bit. George kisses your forehead and Fred lays down next to you. 

"Are you able to play against Slytherin on Saturday?" Oliver asks worried. You nod your head and he lets out a breath of relief. "Thanks for all the gifts and cards guys. Made my day when I woke up earlier. Madam Pomfrey is still having trouble with the balloons Freddie." You point and they all look at her with a broom up in the air, swatting the balloons. 

"That was the point." He whispers into your neck. Shivers get sent down your body. "Y/n I'm so sorry for being rude to you! I really didn't mean it, I don't know what came over me!" Ginny cries and throws herself over to hug you. You smile and wrap your arms around her as she cries.

"It's alright Ginny. No need to fret." You rub her back and kiss her head. She sits back and you wipe her tears off. "Are you able to come back to your dorm?" Ron asks. You shrug your shoulders and Madam Pomfrey comes over. "She's actually is allowed to. You've healed up well." She smiles and walks away.

"We'll meet you in the common room." George says. Everyone leaves except for Fred. "I'll help you with all of this." He smiles. You get up and grab your clothes. "Oh shoot, I don't have a shirt.." You say looking around to see if it fell. "Here," Fred takes his hoodie off and hands it to you. "Wear my hoodie for right now." You smile and put it on. You put your pants and shoes on. 

Fred wraps his arms around your waist and kisses you. "You know, I've missed kissing you." He says. "Shush. let's go back to the common room." You say. "Freddie...can you tell me who hurt me? I was only looking at you until someone yelled Stupefy at me." You ask. You two pick up some of the gifts and cards and start heading to the common room.

"Pansy did, she just walked into the room and pointed her wand at you." He says. You give him a confused look and walk out of the Hospital Wing. "I don't even talk to her." You say. "Guess she was mad because you've been talking to Malfoy lately and she's in love with him and thinks you're trying to steal him." He laughs. 

"I don't even like Malfoy! I talked to him because I had to." You say annoyed. "Plus, I only like a tall, shaggy red haired boy who loves me so so much." You look up at him. "I love you too." He says winking at you. "Did she get sent home?" He thinks for a second. "Yeah I think she did. For the better though. Don't need her doing it again to my beautiful girl." He says.

You blush and run up to the painting. Fred says the password and you both enter the common room. The whole common room gets quiet and looks at you. "Uh, hi?" You say smiling. Everyone runs up to you and lifts you up into the air. "Y/N'S BACK GUYS!" Seamus screams. "We see that Seamus." Dean says, You laugh as the two boys put your down. 

"We heard what happened. Are you alright?" A girl asks. "Yeah I'm fine. I'm great actually." You smile. She nods and walks away. "Wait doe we not have Quidditch practice today?" You ask Fred. "Oh we do! In twenty minutes. Wood has been pushing practice back a bit to see if you'd be awake." He says.

He picks you up and throws you over his shoulder. "Fred! Put me down!" You laugh. She shakes his head and runs up to your dorm. He throws you on your bed and crawls next to you. "We gotta get ready for practice bub." You say kissing him. He lays his head on your chest and closes his eyes. "Five minutes, I wanna cuddle with you." He says. You roll your eyes and get comfy. 

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