Chapter 101

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You're washing the dishes as an owl flies through the window. You dry your hands off and take the letter out of it's beak. You read it and gasp. "EVERYONE! HARRY IS BACK AT HOGWARTS! I JUST GOT A LETTER FROM NEVILLE AND HE SAID THAT HE NOTIFIED THE REST OF THE ORDER!" You scream. Everyone comes running down the stairs. "We need to get to Hogwarts now." George says. Tonks and Lupin walk through the door. "Lupin we need to go right now." You say. He nods. "We do but we must wait a few moments. Snape knows that Harry was in Hogsmeade and Minerva told me that he called every student to the Great Hall. We must wait a moment." He says. 

You start pacing back and forth. A timer of some sort goes off. "Hogwarts now!" Tonks says. You all apparate to the doors of the Great Hall. They open and you all walk in. You take your wand out as everyone stares at the group. Harry continues talking to Snape. "How dare you stand where he stood. A man who trusted you, and you killed him!" He yells. People start whispering and look at Snape. McGonagall takes her wand out and fires spells at Snape. He doesn't do anything just blocks them. He continues blocking her spells until he flies away in a black mist. "You coward!" McGonagall yells. 

"Students out of bed! Students out of bed! Students in the corridor!" Filch yells as he's running him. McGonagall turns to him. "They are supposed to be out of bed you blithering idiot." She says. Filch stops talking and looks down. "Sorry ma'am." He mumbles. The fire in the lanterns go out and a girl starts screaming. Then a voice starts talking. "Harry Potter, I want him." Voldemort says. The fire comes back on and everyone is quiet. "Why are we all standing here? Someone grab him!" Pansy yells. You step in front of Harry. "He isn't going anywhere Parkinson." You spit at her. Others start out of their groups and stand in the front of Harry. 

"Filch, take the Slytherins down to the dungeons." McGonagall says. He nods and take them out of the Great Hall. "What now Professor?" Seamus asks. She turns and looks at all of you, it almost looks like she had a few tears in her eyes. "We prepare to fight." She says. Everyone looks at each other almost in fear. "We can do it." You say. Some people turn to you and give you a confused look. You walk out towards the front where McGonagall is. "We can do this. We can defeat Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Take everything that you've learned here at Hogwarts and pack it all together. Take what Professor Flitwick taught you, make something levitate and crash it onto a Death Eater. Transfigure something into a weapon. Do anything you can." You say.

People start talking then cheering. "I'm still looking for the Diadem." Harry says. "No living person has seen it though." Cho says. The castle shakes and a chunk of the ceiling comes crashing down. "Then you have to talk to someone dead Harry." Luna says. 

You walk out to the front of the castle with McGonagall and a couple other people. "So you're allowing us to do this Professor?" Neville asks. "It seems so Mr. Longbottom." McGonagall says. "Make this place go boom?" He asks. "Boom!" McGonagall yells. Neville looks at you then back at her. "How are we supposed to do that?" Neville asks. McGonagall continues to look straight ahead. "You should ask Mr. Finnegan, he seems to be an expert on this type of thing." She slightly smiles.

Seamus smiles and starts getting happy. "I can get this whole place to go boom in seconds." He says. They walk off while you stay with McGonagall. "Professor...I'm scared." You say. She looks at you and hugs you. "It'll be okay Y/n. We're not going down without a fight." She says and turns around. She uses some spell and the stone knights fall from the walls. "We are in danger! Protect our school!" She orders them and they start moving. "I've always wanted to use that spell." She smiles. Molly comes up behind you and puts her hands on your shoulders. "Are you scared Y/n?" She asks. You nod while looking at the shield that is being put over Hogwarts.

"Non of you should be going through this. You are all too young." She says. You turn around and hug her. "If anything happens to me, I've always thought of your as a my mother and thank you for taking care of me for all of these years." You say and sadly smile at her. Molly kisses your head. "I need to find Harry and help him." You say and run off. You run around the whole school trying to find him until you see him talking to a ghost then running off. 

You chase after him calling his name. "Harry! Let me help you!" You yell. You follow him until you get to a plain wall. "She said the Diadem is in the Room of Requirement." He whispers. You both enter and look at the amount of stuff that is inside. You look around around quickly trying to find it. You turn a corner to see Draco, Blaise, and Goyle with their wands pointed at Harry who has the Diadem in his hand. Ron and Hermione creep up. You put your hand out telling them to stop.

You take your wand out and they do the same. You count down from three on the your fingers. The three of you hop out from behind them. "Expelliarmus!" You yell. Their wands fly out of their hands as Harry runs away. Ron and Hermione run to Harry. Draco chases after them while Blaise and Goyle turn to you. You smirk. "Bring it on you two. We've got a while. Oh, this is highly unfair. I have my wand while you two don't." You laugh. The grab their wands and point them at you. "Gotta catch me first." You say and start running. 

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