Chapter 84

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The rest of the week goes by. Harry and you have been going to detention with Umbridge. Your hands have been getting worst. She just makes you write sentences of different things. It's Saturday morning and you're heading down to the Quidditch Pitch against Slytherin. "Slytherin has been going back to their old ways of being asses to everyone since Umbridge came." Hermione says. "Well yeah because she favors them." You scoff.

Harry and Ron walk ahead onto the Pitch while you stay back with Hermione. "If Malfoy says anything to you, I'll beat his ass." You smile. Hermione laughs and heads up to the stands. You run out to the Pitch and get into the air. "You ready Ron?" You call over to him. He nervously gives a thumbs up. Ron made the team and is the Keeper. George let him on since he's captain. Madam Hooch comes out with the chest and opens it.

The Snitch and Bludgers come soaring out and into the sky. She picks the Quaffle up and throws it high into the air. You fly forward and grab it before the Slytherin Chaser. You dodge and weave players and the Bludger being hit towards you. You throw the Quaffle and the Slytherin Keeper misses to catch it. "Y/n scored ten points already! Gryffindor leads!" Lee yells.

The game goes by. It's snowing hard and Slytherin is leading forty to twenty. "Weasley is our King! Weasley is our king!" Slytherins keep chanting. They're referring to Ron who keeps letting the Chaser score on him. You ram in a Chaser and grab the Quaffle. Goyle hits a Bludger towards you and you dodge it. "Nice try Goyle!" You shout and head towards the hoops. You throw the Quaffle into the bottom hoop, scoring another ten points. "Harry Potter has caught the Snitch! Gryffindor wins!" You hear Lee yell.

You land on the ground and see a bunch of people around Harry. You run over and see Harry laying on his back. "You alright there Harry?" You ask. He gives you a thumbs up. "Bet you liked that, didn't you Potter? Saving Weasley's arse." Draco says as the Slytherins land near him. "I've never seen a worse Keeper! Maybe we should add more versus to our song. About his filthy mother!" Draco laughs.

George gets up and walk towards him but Ron holds him back. "And their pathetic father! But then, you like Weasley's, don't you? How can you stand the stink? I guess it reminds you of your own mother!" All of the Slytherins start laughing. You get up and past Fred and some other Gryffindors. You walk up to him sock him in the jaw. Draco falls to the ground in shock.

You get on top of him continue punching him. George runs over and does the same thing. Harry and Fred try to pull you both off but you keep slipping out of their grips. "You don't get to talk about their mother like that just because your own doesn't love you Malfoy!" You yell. George starts kicking him. "Impedimenta!" Madam Hooch says. You feel yourself get thrown off of Draco.

You go back to continue kicking his ass but Fred holds you back. McGonagall comes running over. "What on earth are you two doing?" She saying looking between you and George. "My office, now." She says and starts walking. You pull yourself away from Fred and follow her. You pass Malfoy and spit on him. "Knob head." You whisper and walk away. "At least I don't associate with filthy Mudbloods." You hear him say. You turn around and stomp your foot onto his face. Fred pulls you away from him and drags you towards George and McGonagall.

Fred sits you down in her office with George next to you. "In all my thirty-nine years at this school, I have never seen such a disgusting display." McGonagall shakes her head in disappointment. "Malfoy provoked us." You grunt. "Of course he would! He just lost a match Miss. Y/l/n." She says. The door opens and Umbridge walks in. "What is it that you need Dolores?" McGonagall says looking at her. "I thought you would need some additional authority with these two." She says standing up straight. "You thought wrong Dolores. Now please remove yourself from my office." She turns back to you and George.

"I don't care what Mr. Malfoy said. I'm very disappointed in both of you. Fifty points from Gryffindor and a weeks worth of detention." McGonagall says. You sit back in your chair. "I hardly think that's a punishment Minerva." Umbridge says. She holds up a piece of parchment and smiles. "Educational Decree Twenty-five. It gives me, as High Inquistor, the power to give punishments and privileges, and alter those given out to students but other members of the staffs."

She turns to you and George. "So! I think a life long ban from playing Quidditch should do the trick for you two." Umbridge smiles. You face drops. "B-Ban us?" You stutter. She nods. "I'll be taking your brooms as well. Have a wonderful day." Umbridge grabs your brooms and walk out of McGonagall's office. You turn to McGonagall who is also speechless. "Professor, you have to do something." Tears fall down your face. McGonagall frowns. "I'm sorry Y/n, but I can't do anything." She sighs.

You turn to George who is staring at the floor. Fred stands up and puts his hand on your shoulder. You seat it away walk out of the room. 

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