Chapter 80

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The next morning you run into DADA right before class starts. You quickly sit down as Umbridge walks out of her office. "Close one Miss. Y/l/n, but I'm going to have to take five points from Gryffindor." Umbridge says. "What? Why? I literally got here before class started. I was on time!" You yell. She puts her hand up. "I will not allow disruptive children in my classroom. Another five points from Gryffindor." She smiles and turns towards her desk with books piled on it. You sit back in your chair and cross your arms,. 

"Now, I will be following a pre-approved, theory-centered Defense lesson plan." She waves her wand and the books start setting their selves onto everyone's desk. You look through the book and scoff. "Professor Umbridge, where are all of the defensive spells in these books?" You ask. She turns towards you. "Students should not talk out of turn." She giggles. You roll your eyes and put your hand up. "Yes Miss Y/l/n?" She says. You put your hand down and sit up. "Where are all of the defensive spells in these books?" You ask again.

Umbridge smiles. "I don't think you'll need to be using any in my class. You have nothing to defend yourself from." She says. "What about Voldemort?" You say. Some people gasp and flinch from you saying his name. "Let me set this straight for all of you. Some of you have been told that a certain dead wizard has returned. That is a lie." She says. You slam your hands onto the desk. "It is not a lie! I saw him! I was there, Harry was there!" You yell at her.

"Miss Y/l/n, you have earned yourself a detention after classes." Umbridge says. Fred looks over at you and frowns. "So you think Cedric Diggory just dropped dead out of no where?" You say. "That boys death was tragic!" Umbridge replies. You slam your hands on the table again and stand up. "He was murdered! I was standing right there and watched it happen!" You yell. "Week detention!" She yells. You grab your things and kick the desk over. "Tell it to someone who cares." You flip her off while walking out of the class. 

You walk down to the Courtyard and start throwing rocks. "Fuck this shit. My last year here and we get a shitty teacher." You say. People start coming out into the Courtyard so you stop throwing rocks. You grab your stuff and head to your next class. As you're walking people keep staring at you. "Staring problem? Take a picture it'll last way longer." You bark at them. They jump and quickly walk away. 

The day goes on and people keep staring at you and Harry. You tell George you'll be late to Quidditch practice all week because of Umbridge. "Y/n hang on!" Fred runs up to you. You stop walking and he hugs you. "What's this for?" You ask. "I just haven't hugged you all day. It seems that you've been avoiding me." He whines. You cup his face. "I promise I haven't been meaning to avoid you Freddie. I'm just mad about Umbridge." You say and kiss him. " I have to get to detention now. I already told George I'll be late to practice all week." You sigh.

Fred lifts your head to make you look at him. "It'll be okay. I love you." He smiles. "I love you too." Fred kisses you and runs off. You walk up to Umbridge's office and knock on the door. The door swings open and you walk inside. "Welcome to detention Y/n." She giggles. You set your bag down and sit at the desk provided. "You will write lines saying 'I must not tell lies'. A quill is already provided." She smiles. You look down at the quill and parchment. "I haven't gotten any ink." You say. She smiles some more. "You won't need any." She sits back down and pours tea. "How many line do I write?" You frown. "Until it sets in." You raise an eyebrow but start writing. 

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