Chapter 59

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Just as Fred said the day before, you and him head down to Hogsmeade to get yourself a new broom. "I'll probably just get another Nimbu 2001." You say as you enter the shop. "What? No, you should get the new broom! The Firebolt." He says. "I don't think I have enough Galleons." You say. Fred grabs your shoulders and bends down a bit to be level with your face. "Y/n, your parents were famous and rich. I bet you brought enough money. How many Galleons do you have?" He asks. You take your bag of coins out and look in. "Uhh, about eighty." He says. 

Fred smiles. "The Firebolt costs seventy. Let's go." He says. You smile and look over at the window. "I guess I will." You say. Fred grabs it from the window and brings it up to the counter. You pay for it and bring it up to the castle. You set it on your bed and get into your robes. "Let's go. We can make it to DADA on time if we leave now." Fred says. You run through the halls and dodge students. You and Fred both jump and slide into Lupin's class, sliding on your stomachs. 

"Very nice entrance you two." Lupin smiles. You dust your selves off and sit down. "Last class, we used Riddikulus against Boggarts. I want you all to write an essay about your Boggarts. What you saw and how you felt. Not that big of an essay. It'll be due next week so use the time you have wisely." He says. You pull out the essentials and start writing. 

My Boggart turned into two things. First, Fred Weasley and Phoebe Garcia. They were kissing. Then it changed into all of my friends. They were saying rude things and laughing at me. I felt a lot of of different things. Mostly sadness but I was hurt. I was hurt because Fred was my boyfriend before and Phoebe spread rumors about me so he left me for her. I was so sad when that happened. The same thing with my friends. I felt so alone seeing them all acting like that. 


You walk onto the Quidditch Pitch for practice with your new Firebolt. You feel kinda good with a new broom. "What are we doing today George." You say and lean against your broom. He turns around and starts talking. "Just gonna do some drills that's it....Is that a Firebolt?" He asks. You nod. "When did you get this?" He asks walking up to you. "Earlier this morning. Skipped the first two classes." Fred says and rests his elbow on your head. "I needed a new broom before practice so." You mount it and kick off. In a blink of an eye you are already high in the sky. 

All throughout practice, your team kept asking if they could have a go. You said everyone can have a go after practice. After everyone has their go, you get on your broom and lay down. You fly around just staring up at the sky getting darker. "Sky is really beautiful once it gets dark." You sit up and Draco is on his broom next to you. "Yeah it is. What are you doing up here Draco?" You ask. He shrugs his shoulders and look at you. "Shouldn't you be at dinner?" You ask and get down to the ground. "Yeah but I wanted to come out here instead." He says and follows you. 

"Well, I'm gonna go to dinner. I'm pretty late. Everyone wanted a ride on my broom." You say and start walking away. "Firebolt I see? Very nice. See you tomorrow." Draco says. You wave and head back up to the castle.  "And where were you?" Fred asks as you sit down. "Still at the Pitch." You say and grab some bread. "I was thinking we could prank Filch. Haven't done that in a while." You say. George nods. "How about a love potion so he starts snogging his cat everywhere?" You suggest. "Wicked." George and Fred say in unison.  

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