Chapter 33

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You look up at him confused. "Y-You always talk about me to your mum?" You question. Fred nods and smiles. "How could I not? I've had a crush on you forever and I told her about it, then told her every little thing I love about you." He says. You stand there starstruck. No boy has ever talked about to their mum. You start to smile and hug him.

"You two are the cutest! Now let's get back home. You all must be hungry!" Molly says. Everyone holds onto each other and Molly grabs your hand. You apparate to the Burrow. You let go of your trunk and smile at the sight of home. "Come on love." Fred says. You grab his hand and you two walk into the house. "I'll start making dinner for all of us. Go and unpack." Molly says. 

You and Fred go upstairs and into your room. "Go unpack Freddie." You laugh and set your trunk down. "But I wanna be with you." He pouts. You smile and kiss him. "Fine, after I unpack we'll go to your room to unpack." You smile. Fred jumps onto your bed and snuggles into your pillow.

"How about I just move in here with you?" He asks. You smile but shake your head no. "George would be sad. He wouldn't have anyone to make Weasley products with during the night." You sit next to him and play with his hair. "That's true." He says laughing. "Knock knock, it's me." George sings and walks in. "Hi George." You say and stand up." I missed my twin, need to be near him or I'd die." He dramatically says and flops on your bed. 

The summer went by quickly. You played Quidditch a lot. You're going into your fifth year at Hogwarts. "Summer went by wayy too quick." Ron groans as he walks into the kitchen. You laugh and sets plates down at the table. "It sure did, but it's you're third year Ronald. It'll be fun! Hogsmeade is amazing. Make sure to go to Honeydukes and Zonkos, brilliant shops those are." You say happily.

The rest of the Weasley family comes down the stairs while you and Molly cook breakfast for everyone. "Morning darling." Fred says. He kisses your cheek and sits down next to George. "I just cannot wait for O.W.L.'s this year." Fred says sarcastically. "They won't be that bad Fred. They weren't that bad when I took them my fifth year." Molly says and flicks her wand. Silverware comes out of the drawer and onto the table. 

"Morning Weasleys!" Arthur says as he walks through the door. "Morning Arthur." You say. "Morning dad!" Everyone else says happily. Errol comes flying through the window and onto the table. You grab the letters out of his claw and pet him. "Letters from Hogwarts. Here you guys go." You hand everyone their letters then open yours. 

"Sheesh, lot's of books this year. What are we doing? Taking every damn class?" You whisper. "Language love." Fred says. You sit down next to Fred and kiss his cheek. "Sorry, just moody at the moment ." You say setting your letter down. Molly puts food on everyone's plate and you stare at yours.

"Come on Y/n, eat up." Ron says. You push it away a bit. "I'm not hungry right now Ron." You smile slightly. Molly comes over to you and puts her hand on  your shoulder. "Dear, you've barely ate all summer. I even made your favorite the other day and you didn't come down to eat." She says sadly.  

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