Chapter 54

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George, Fred and you walk into the library. Cedric, Marcus and Roger are already there. "Alright boys, we brought some parchment, quills and ink. What nights should we have the games on?" You ask happily. You all figure out a schedule/plan for the nights and end up being in the library for an house. "It's getting late. We should probably head back to our houses. Everyone has a schedule right?" You ask. The three of them nod. "Good, see you tomorrow night at ten p.m." You say and walk away with the twins. 

You get into the common room and everyone is there. "Listen up maggots!" You yell. Everyone turns to you. "See this? This is the schedule for the Quidditch games. Us and Ravenclaw will be playing against Slytherin and Hufflepuff tomorrow night at ten p.m. Make sure to be careful from teachers and Filch." You say. Everyone nods and goes back to what they were doing. Neville comes up to you. "So my plan is good?" He asks nervously. 

"Good? It's brilliant! Even Flint said it was amazing." You say. Neville's mouth falls open. "A Slytherin said my idea was good?" He says. You nod and smile. He walks away with his mouth still hung open. You head up to your dorm and get ready for bed. You hop into the shower then brush your teeth. "Y/n?" Someone says from your room. "Hang on! I'm in the bathroom." You quickly change and walk out to see Fred sitting on your bed. 

"Hey Freddie, what's up?" You ask and sit down next to him. "I love you." He says. You turn to him confused. "What?" He looks into your eyes. "I love you Y/n." He repeats and you smile. "I love you too Freddie." Fred wraps his arms around you and you do the same. "Y/n?" He says. "Yes Freddie." He pauses for a moment before speaking. "Can you give me another chance?" 

You sit for a moment still confused. "Y/f/n Y/m/n Y/l/n, will you be my girlfriend...again?" He laughs at the end. You smile and nod. "Yes Freddie." You say. He jumps up and down like a little girl and picks you up, spinning you around the room. He sets you down and brings a hand up to your face. "Can I kiss you?" He asks smiling. You blush and nod. He cups your face and kisses you. 

"Woah! Didn't mean to walk in on you two." You both spin around to see George leaning up against the door frame with a smug look. "Oh, hey Georgie..." You say. Fred awkwardly waves. "Mum will be so happy. GINNY! RON! YOU BOTH OWE ME TWO GALLEONS!" George yells and runs away smiling. "Did they really bet on us?" You laugh. "Looks like it. I could hear a faint groan from a few rooms down." Fred says. You crawl into bed and pat the spot next to you. Fred crawls in and gets under the covers. 

The next day you walk into the Great Hall with Fred holding hands. You sit down and start eating. "I can't wait for the game tonight." George says. "Shh! The teachers can't know idiot." You say and hit George. "Ouchie!" He yelps. You roll your eyes and continue eating. "Hey Nev, wanna know how to play Quidditch?" You ask as he sits down across from you. "I don't really know Y/n. My first year I broke my wrist during flying class." He says. "It'll be alright. I'll be right next to you. George and Fred will too. Right?" You glare at them. They both nod. "After breakfast we'll go out." You smile. He nods and starts eating. 

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