Chapter 46

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"Everything alright love?" Cedric asks. You shake your head no. You flip your face towards him and cry. "I miss Fred so much. I'm not going to be able to get through these twenty seven days." You say. Cedric pulls you into a hug. "You have some amazing people in your life still that are still your friends and they are going help you get through this." He says. You rest your head on his shoulder. "Have you eaten anything today?" Cedric asks. "N-No, I didn't go to any of my classes today. I sat near the Black Lake all day." You say.

Cedric pulls away and grabs his fork. He puts it up to your mouth. "I'm fine Ced." You say pushing his fork away. "No, eat." He shoves the fork into your mouth. "Now chew..." He puts his hand on your face and starts making you chew. You roll your eyes and swallow. "There you go. A few more bites okay?" He says and puts the fork back up to your mouth. "Fine." 


You sit down with Luna and Neville at breakfast. Owls start swooping down at students and dropping off letters and packages. Errol drops a letter off to you and one to Fred. "Look! Weaslebee's got a Howler!" Draco yells. Everyone turns towards Fred who is beet red. "Uh oh, from mum?" Ron asks. Fred nods and slowly opens it. "FRED WEASLEY! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! BELIEVING SOME SKANK SLYTHERIN! Y/N WOULD NEVER DO SUCH A THING! SHE SENT ME A LETTER AND THE BRACELET BACK TO ME AND TOLD ME WHAT HAPPENED! I AM SO DISAPPOINTED IN YOU! WHEN YOU COME HOME FOR CHRISTMAS, YOU BETTER NOT BRING THAT WHORE SLYTHERIN!" The Howler rips up into a million pieces. 

Fred looks over at you and sees the pain in your eyes. You turn back to your plate. Phoebe goes over to Fred and tries to comfort him. He pushes her off and walks out of the Great Hall. George walks in and sits next to you. "I could hear the Howler from down the hall." He says. He turns to you. "Did you really tell mum what happened and gave the bracelet back?" He asks. You nod. "Yeah, Molly is like a mum to me. I told her what happened and it hurt me to give the bracelet back to her after she spent many Galleons on them. I saw Fred took his off too." You say. 

George hugs you and explains what he has to do to finish the Veritaserum. Someone taps you on your shoulder and you turn around. "You're such a whore." She yells. Phoebe takes her wand otu and grabs your wrist. She says some spell you've never heard of and a bunch of words start carving into your arm. You sit there and watch. You don't scream nor cry, just watch. Everything that has been going on has just made you numb.

Phoebe walks out of the Great Hall, probably to go find Fred. You look down at your arm and pull down your sleeve. "Y/n-" George starts to talk but you stand up. You walk out of the Great Hall and go to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. "Hello Y/n." She says. "Hi Myrtle." You say and sit down against the sink. Myrtle floats down next to you. "What happened?" She asks. You look at her and cry. "Just Phoebe again! She's making my life a living hell. She did some spell that I never head of and carved a bunch of words on my arm." You cry.

"May I see?" Myrtle asks. You pull your sleeve up and show all of the words on your wrist. "Oh Y/n! You need to go to the Hospital Wing." She says. You shake your head. "I-I can't, she's going to start asking questions. I don't want the situation to get worse." You say.

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