Chapter 50

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You and Fred have been getting closer again. No fights, no Phoebe, just happiness. You and Fred haven't told Molly about you two being friends again and hopefully be together again soon. Fred said that you guys should wait till you get back to the Burrow to tell her about you guys. "Hermione, Harry. You two coming to the Burrow for Christmas?" You ask as you sit down for dinner. "I definitely am, I don't know about Hermione." Harry says. "I'm going home this Christmas. Mum is sick." She says. "Y/n!" Fred comes running into the Great Hall. "Come see what happened to Snape!" He grabs your arm and drags you out of your seat. 

"Okay! Okay! Can I use the legs I have?" You say laughing. "How about no." Fred picks you up and run to Snape's class. You both look in quietly to see Dumbledore and McGonagall holding a bucket up for Snape. "Puking Pastilles?" You say. Fred nods. "What is all over his face?" You try to look more closely. "George and I came up with this substance that if you put into any food, it will give you nasty warts that are filled with pus!" He whispers.

You try to hold in your laughter but can't. You laugh and Fred quickly pulls you away from the door. "The person who did this is out there now! I just heard someone laugh, Dum-" Snape stops and throws up into the bucket. You hear McGonagall's shoes get louder and Fred drags you into a broom closet and put his hand over your mouth to shut you up. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! That's just too funny!" You whisper shout.  McGonagall's shoes get louder. "Y/n! Shush!" Fred whispers. You can't stop laughing. You keep picturing Snape's face full of warts.

"I-I can-can't!" You say. The tapping gets closer. Fred panics and until he looks down at you laugh. He cups your face and kisses you. You stop laughing, confused for a moment until you realized Fred is kissing you. You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss back. You pull away and cover your face. "Oh gosh." Fred laughs and peeks out of the closet. "McGonagall is gone. Let's go." He says. You quickly walk out and head outside. "Just need some air, just need some air." You say to yourself. You get outside and stand in the snow. 

"Great, snow." You say. "Y/n, why are you out here?" Fred asks. You turn to him and smile. "I just needed some air after being in that broom closet." You say. Fred smirks. You scratch the back of your neck. "I wasn't ready to kiss you again, but I did." You say. Fred hugs you, resting his chin on your head. "It's alright darling. I couldn't think of any other way to shut you up from laughing." He says. You giggle. "It was just too funny Freddie." You say. Fred pulls away and pats your head. "Let's go pack, we leave tomorrow." You say. 

Fred nods and you guys go back inside. "Last one to the common room is a rotten egg!" You shout and start running away from Fred. "Wait, that isn't fair!" He shouts back. "Nothing is fair! But I'm gonna win!" You laugh. You slip into a small area and go down a secret corridor. "Thank you Marauders." You say. You get up to the painting and say the password. You quickly get in and jump on the couch. "Hey Y/n." George says. "Hey Georgie, come it. We are waiting for Fred." You smile. You cross your legs while George sits next to you. "When he walks in, I wanna say 'Well, well, well. I've been expecting you.' We raced here." You smile.

George starts laughing. "That's great." The painting opens and Fred runs in out of breath. He looks up and sees you sitting next to George. "Well, well, well. I've been expecting you." You say. "H-How?" He breathes. "Thanks to my brilliant memory, I took a path from the Marauder's Map." You smile. Fred looks at George. "Hey man, we taught her our ways." George laughs and walks away. 

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