Chapter 24

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You wake up to the sunlight shining down on you from your window. You look down to see Fred's arms wrapped around you and his head on your chest. You lightly try to shake him awake. "Freddie. It's time to wake up. We have to get to breakfast." You whisper. You try to move but his grip gets tighter. "Five more minutes princess." He mumbles.

You get butterflies from that nickname. "But Fred we gotta go." You say. You quickly get out of bed and Fred starts pouting. You put your clothes on and sit back down next to Fred. "Come on bub. We have to go." You say. "But I wanna cuddle and lay in bed foreverrrrr." He whines.

You grab his hand and drag him out of your bed. "We can cuddle after detention tonight. Now let's go to your dorm and get your clothes." You say. You drag Fred out of your dorm and into his. "Come on. Get your clothes on. Be a big boy." You giggle. Fred puts his clothes on and stands in a super hero pose. "I am a big boy!" He yells.

You laugh and grab his hand. "Yes you are. Now let's go get some food." You say. You walk through the common room and George whistles. "I knew you two would get back together." He says. Fred bends down behind you and you hop onto his back. 

He runs around the castle laughing with you. You two get to the great hall and you hop off of his back and sit down next to the trio. "Are you two together again?" Hermione asks and glares at Fred. "I'm giving him another chance. He promised he wouldn't hurt me again." You say. Hermione continues to stare at Fred.

She stands up and leans over the table. "You better remember what me and Seamus said or we will have a problem." She says. Fred smiles awkwardly and nods. You put your hand over his. "Oh crap, I forgot something in my dorm. Ill meet you in DADA Freddie." You say and kiss his cheek. You run out of the great hall and all the way up to Gryffindor Tower. You enter your dorm and start looking around. 

"Where did I put it this time?" You say. You look under your bed and find your ring. "I need to stop losing my mother's ring." You whisper to yourself.  It's always been beautiful. It's a little silver dove. Your mother didn't like big rings. You put it on and skip back to the Great Hall. Right when you turn own the hall, someone grabs your waist and pulls you into a closet.

"Hi princess." It's Fred. "Freddie scared me!" You lightly punch his arm. "I just missed you so much." He says. You laugh. "I was gone for like seven minutes." You say. Fred smirks. "Too long for my liking." You give him a confused look. Fred pulls your close to him and starts kissing you. 

You melt and kiss back. He licks your bottom lip and you allow his tongue to explore your mouth. After about two minutes you pull away. "Not right now Freddie. Later." You giggle. He starts to whine and pout. "Fine." 

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