Chapter 56

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You sit out for a bit to catch your breath. You turn to the left to see Fred running then sliding down the bench. He stops right at you and throws his arm around your shoulders. "Hey." He says. "Hi." You smile. "What's your name? You looked pretty hot out there." He says. You roll your eyes and playfully push him. "You're just so funny Freddie." You sarcastically say and look back up at the game. You watch a head on collision. Some Slytherin girl was falling from really high up. You quickly grab your broom and fly over to her. 

You catch her before she hits the ground. "Gotta be careful." You say. She smiles embarrassed. "Uh thank you though." She says. "Anytime." You go up to her broom and set her on it. "There are still children out here too!" You say. You fly back down to the bench as the game proceeds. "Did you really just save a Slytherin?" Fred asks. You nod and sit down. "Fred, I'm not a psycho. Yeah we are 'supposed' to dislike Slytherin. But look at this! All of us playing together. It's bringing us closer. Maybe some Slytherins won't be assholes anymore if we all just bond in something we love." You cross you arms. 

Fred stays silent and watches the game. "Aye, I need a break!" Roger yells. "Alright I'm coming!" You grab your broom and head back up and high five Roger on the way up. Cho Chang the Ravenclaw Seeker caught the Snitch and ended the game. "Well cone Cho!" You clap. Everyone gets onto the ground and the stands are cheering. "Wow, I haven't had this much fun in Quidditch in a while." Marcus says. "See? It's fun when you aren't trying to throw me off my broom isn't it." You laugh.

"Remember, groups of four with your houses!" You say to everyone as you leave. You leave with the same people; Neville, George and Fred. "That was amazing." George whispers. "Best night of my life." You whisper. You get up to Gryffindor Tower and enter the common room. "I'm tired. I'm gonna go shower." You say and head up to your dorm. "Ew, I smell horrible." You throw your dirty clothes onto your floor and walk into the bathroom.

You turn the shower on and wait for it to warm up. "Heyyyyy Y/nnn." Someone says from your room. "Freddie I'm in the bathroom. Go shower!" You laugh and get into your shower. The door opens and you hear giggling. "Fred, go take a shower! I'm trying to take mine." You say. He doesn't say anything so you just think he left until the shower curtains open. 

"FRED!" You scream and try to cover your body. He hops in and smirks at you. "Stop trying to coverrrr." He whines. "N-No! I don't want you to see my body." You say and turn away from him. "'re beautiful if you're thinking you're not." He touches your shoulder. He pulls you closer to him and sets his hands on your hips. "Plus, I like your body. It's sexy." He whispers into your ear. "Oh shut up and just take a shower. You still stink." You giggle. 

He trades places with you and gets under the hot water. "Hey! You're hogging all the water." You whine and cross your arms. Fred pulls you closer and kisses you. He pulls away and starts kissing your neck and you wrap your arms around him. "Freddie..." You moan. You feel him smile into your neck. He moves to the other side of your neck and does the same thing. "If you're giving me hickeys. I will kill you." You say. Fred moves away and looks at your neck. "Oopsies." He smirks. 

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