Chapter 10

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Fred wraps his arms around you and snuggles his head on your shoulder. "You comfy there?" You giggle. "Yup, I sure am. Night night." Fred says. You roll your eyes and get more comfortable in Fred arms. You close your eyes and quickly fall asleep.

You wake up the next morning and see it's 7:30. Breakfast starts at 8. You sit up and see Fred is still sleeping. You push a strand of hair out of his face and smile. "Freddie, you gotta get up bubs." You say slightly shaking him.

He opens his eyes slowly and smiles up at you. "Good morning princess." He says. Fred sits up and gives you a kiss on the cheek. You get out of bed and put your uniform on. You head to he bathroom to brush your hair and teeth. You put on a bit of perfume and head back out.

Fred is already dressed and ready. "I think it's funny how you got up before me and I still got done before you." Fred winks. "Oh shut it Freddie. I just have to put on my robes and grab my bag." You say. 

You put on your robes and pick up your bag. Fred and you walk down to the common room to see Ron and Hermione fighting. "What in the bloody hell are you two fighting about!" You yell over them. "Hermione almost sat on Scabbers!" Ron shouts. "I didn't mean to! I didn't see him there!" She yells back. 

They go back to fighting and you look between Harry and Fred. You take your wand out and say, "Confringo!" and point it at the carpet. It explodes, Ron and Hermione stop fighting and look at you. 

"Where the bloody hell did you learn that spell from?" Ron says. You laugh and grab Fred's hand, leading both of you out of the common room. "Now that was brilliant y/n!" Fred says. "I've been learning new spells outside in the garden during the summer." You smile.

You and Fred get down to the Great Hall and sit next to George. "Morning love birds." George smirks. You playfully hit him in the shoulder and take some toast. More kids start to pile in and sit with their houses. The Golden Trio finally walks in. 

You can see that Ron and Hermione are still mad at each other. Hermione sits next to you while Ron and Harry sit across from you. You lean over to Hermione. "Did you two sort it out?" You whisper. She looks up from her back and at you. 

"No, I kept trying to explain that I didn't mean to and he won't listen." She says. You put a hand on her shoulder. "It'll be okay. You'll make up soon." You smile and she smiles back. 

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