Chapter 51

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You and the rest of the Weasleys get onto the train and sit in an empty compartment. "I'm starving." Ron says. "Ron we literally just had breakfast before we left." Ginny says. Ron rolls his eyes and looks out the window. "It's snowing again." You groan. "I thought you liked the snow Y/n." George says. You shrug. "That's when we were younger. I don't really like it now, it's so cold when it gets into your boots." You laugh. "Not my cup of tea anymore."

The rest of the train ride is kinda boring. No one really talked that much. You get to Platform 9 3/4 and get off with your bags. "Molly!" You say and run up to her. She gives you a big hug. "I've missed you so much." Molly says. "Me too." You say. She looks over her children and frowns at Fred. "Hi mum..." He says nervously. "Don't hi mum me! Hurting this girls' heart like that." She says. You tap her on the shoulder. "Uh, we actually want to talk to you about that when we get back to the Burrow." You say. 

Molly nods and you all hold onto each other to apparate to the Burrow. You and Fred sit on the couch while Molly sits in her chair. "Like I told you Molly, Phoebe lied about everything I did to her. Fred didn't believe me for some stupid reason. George suggested we make Veritaserum so we could get the truth out of her. It worked and Fred apologized many times and I told him we could go back to being best friends for a while." You say. 

Fred smiles nervously and fiddles with his hands. Molly eyes him and nods. "If he hurts you again, he is moving out to the garage." She says. You laugh and agree. "Uh what? Why!?" Fred says. You and Molly laugh while Ron comes downstairs. "Mum, what's for lunch?" He asks. You facepalm. "Ronald how are you hungry all of the time?" You say. He shrugs and walk into the kitchen. "I'll start making lunch for you kids." Molly says and gets up. 


"George, Fred, Y/n! Get down here!" Molly yells. The three of you run down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Yes mum?" George says. She hands us letters. You open then and read. "We have O.W.L's the day after we get back from Christmas break?" You groan. "That's so exciting!" Molly says. You all drop down to the floor groaning. "The school year isn't even over yet!" Fred says. "We haven't learned everything yet!" George continues. "There's gonna be stuff we don't even know!" You finish. 

Molly looks down at you three of you very amused. "Did you rehearse that?" She asks. You all shake your heads on. She nods and continues making lunch. "I just wanna stay down here and not move. What if we just lock ourselves in our rooms and never go back to Hogwarts?" George says. Molly walks over and picks you all up. "You will be going back to Hogwarts. You will be doing your O.W.L's kids." She says.


Everyone gets back on the train and head back to Hogwarts. "I don't want to take O.W.L's tomorrow!" Ron yells. You, George and Fred look at him. "You do know that you're in your third year, right Ron?" You ask. "Oh, I thought everyone has to take them." He says. "No, just fifth years. You still have two years you git." Fred says. You start laughing. "That was mean but funny. Sorry Ron." You say. Ron crosses his arms and leaves. You lay your legs over George's lap. "Holy cricket, the Quidditch World Cup is this summer?" Fred says. 

He sits next to George and shows you the Daily Prophet. "Bulgaria and Ireland are playing!" You say happily. "I bet ten Galleons that Ireland will win! Isn't Ron a Bulgarian fan? Because of Krum?" You ask. They both nod. "We'll bet on it then." George says. 

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