Chapter 61

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You get back to the Burrow and Arthur is sitting at the table eagerly. "Welcome home Weasleys! I have some amazing news to tell you. Sit! Sit!" He says. Everyone sits down and looks at him. "I got tickets to the Quidditch World Cup!" Arthur says happily. Everyone cheers and you look at the twins. "Ireland is gonna win!" All three of you say in unison. You get up and start dancing around the kitchen with Fred. George joins in and you all dance.


"Y/n, Fred, it's time to wake up." You open your eyes to see Molly smiling down at you. You sit up and stretch. You look over to Fred who is still sleeping. "Freddie, you have to get up." You lightly shake him and he opens one eye. "Not until I get a kiss." He says. You roll your eyes and kiss his lips. "I paid the toll. Get up." You laugh. "Another one." He smiles. You kiss him once more and stand up to put on some different clothing. You put on a grey crew neck and black leggings with white converse. You look at your bed and see Fred still sleeping. 

"Fred! You need to get up. Your mum is going to have breakfast ready soon." You finish brushing your hair and walk over to him. You start to shake him more and he flips over to you. He grabs your arms and pulls you onto your bed. "Freddie." You groan. He plants kisses all over your face then lays his head on your chest. "I know I have to get up but I'm so comfy. Even more comfy now that you're here." He says. You put your hand on his head and start playing with his hair. 

"Don't you want to see Ireland win today Freddie?" You say. He sits up quickly and starts getting dressed. "I knew that would get you up." You laugh and get up yourself. You, George, Fred, Ginny, Ron, Harry, Hermione and Arthur all leave the Burrow and set off on your journey. "Ah Arthur! How are you my friend?" Someone says. "Amos! Long time no see." Arthur says. "Everyone, this is Amos Digory." They shake hands until someone drops from above. "This is my son Cedric." Mr. Diggory says. Cedric smiles and looks over at you. 

"Hey Y/n." He waves. "Hi Cedric." You wave back and everyone continues forward. You get to the top of a hill as a boot sits there. "Uh, what is this exactly?" Harry asks. "It's a Portkey. Everyone get down and at least put a finger on it." Arthur say. Everyone gets down and touches it except Harry. "That's just a manky old boot." Harry says. "Ready everyone? One...Two..." "Harry!" Hermione yells. 

Harry jumps down and touches the boot right as Arthur says three. You transport into some weird place while spinning around in a circle. Amos and Cedric let go. "Let go kids!" Arthur yells. "Let go?!"Hermione screams. You let go and start flying backwards. Next thing you know you fall face first into the ground. "Ouch." You groan and sit up. Fred, Harry, George, Hermione and Ron all fall onto their faces too. "I think a rock just smashed my balls." George groans. You start laughing. "Oh shoot, I'm sorry George." You wipe your tears. 

Arthur, Amos and Cedric all fly down smoothly. "How the hell do you do that?" You ask Cedric. He shrugs his shoulders and laughs. "We use Portkeys a lot." He says. You and Fred help George up and carry him to the tent. "How about we get some ice." You say. You and Fred sit him down. Ron goes straight to the kitchen to look for food. "Ron, get out of the kitchen we're all hungry." Arthur says. "Yeah get out of the kitchen Ron!" George and Fred say in unison. "Oh gosh." You laugh. "Feet off the table!" Arthur shouts at them. "Feet off the table!" They say in unison once again. 

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