Chapter 93

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You and Fred walk out to the docks in your swimsuits. "It's a beautiful day." You take a deep breath. "It's bloody freezing!" Fred says. Dumbledore comes out and sits in one of the boats. "You two hand me your wands." He says. You both hand your wands to Dumbledore and you start stretching. "Try hard!" Fred laughs. You punch him and he yelps. Everyone gets into boats and start cheering. "On your marks....get set...." Lee starts. "GO!" He shouts. You dive into the water not worrying about Fred. You swim underwater for a bit before you come up and start swimming. You hear cheers being thrown at you and you continue swimming. 

You hit your head on something and look up at the rocks. You quickly get out of the water and onto the rocks. You look back at the water seeing Fred still swimming. You walk over to the docks waiting for the boats to get there. Fred climbs the ladder and puts his hands on his knees. "Hey Freddie." You smirk. He looks at you and his eyes go wide. "H-How did yo-you do that?" He asks trying to catch his breath. "I obviously have more muscles than you love." You say and flex. Everyone on the boats get to the dock and run over to you. 

"Smile!" You turn around and see Colin Creevey, a Fourth Year standing there with his camera. Some people walk over and smile standing next to you. Fred comes behind you and puts his hands on your shoulders. You flex again and smile at his camera. Colin takes a picture and smiles at you. "I'm going to do a report to be put in the Daily Prophet!" He says and runs back to the train. Dumbledore gives you and Fred towels. "The winner....Y/n!" He says. Everyone claps for you as you bow. "The train is going to leave soon! Might want to get on." Dumbledore smiles. 

Everyone start running and laughing to the train. You stay back and turn to Dumbledore. "Professor." You look up at him. "Y/n." He smiles. You smile as well. "I'd just like to thank you, thank all of the other Professors for putting up with me for seven years. I've learned a lot from all of you." You say. You give him a hug and he hugs back. "If I dare say, it has been marvelous seeing you grow Y/n. And I think these belong to you and George Weasley." He points his wand into the air and two brooms come to him. 

"Our brooms!" You say. He hands them to you. "Umbridge had no right to ban you from the Quidditch team. You are an amazing flier Y/n." He smiles. You smile and wave good bye. You run onto the train to find George. "George! We've got you brooms back!" You say running into his compartment. He stands up and grabs his. "Dumbledore gave them back." You say happily. 

The train ride is just filled with laughter and pranks on other people. You get back to Platform 9 3/4. You and the rest of the Seventh Years gather. "It has been an honor to learn all sorts of coll magic stuff with you all. I will miss all of you dearly." You say bowing. You all bid your last goodbyes and go find Molly. "Now, we start out joke shop...Weasley's Wizard Wheezes!" George jumps up and down like a little girl. 

"Or should we change it to something we all agree? Y/n you're joining us aren't you?" Fred asks. You nod. "Yeah I am, but it's your guys' joke shop not mine. Keep the name you two already picked out." You say. You find Molly and hug her. "Oh I've missed you all. I can't believe you three finished Hogwarts!" Molly says and kisses all of your cheeks, "Y/n and I swam across the lake to get to the train. Dumbledore said we could." Fred smiles. 

"And I won because I got more muscle." You tease and flex. "Yeah yeah, we get it Y/n." Fred laughs. You all get back to the Burrow and eat lunch. You, Fred and George head up to their room to talk about the joke shop. They already planned where they are going to build it and all of the products they have been making. "We're gonna start in two weeks. It's joining to be the best shop in all of Diagon Alley!" George jumps on his bed and starts dancing. You take your wand you and point it towards the record player. 

Music starts playing and all of you start dancing. Fred spins you around and then grabs your hand with one hand and the other is on your waits. "Dance party? Why didn't anyone invite me?" Ginny comes running in and jumps onto George's bed. They start dancing and you're laughing together. Ron, Harry and Hermione walk in and they all start dancing. A loud click and a flash goes off. You turn towards the door to see Molly and Arthur standing there with a camera. You smile and continue dancing. "We're definitely having this be a moving picture." You hear Molly say to Arthur.   

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