Chapter 71

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You sit down at the Great Hall to do your homework. Ron, Hermione and Harry start to talk until Snape walks over and hits Ron in the head with a book. You hold in a laugh and go back to work. You get hit with something and look directly at Fred. "What?" You mouth. Fred smiles. "Would you like to go to the ball with me?" He asks. You roll your eyes and smile. "Duh." You say. He smiles and goes back to work. Occasionally looks up at you and smiles. You finish and give your book to Snape and walk out of the Great Hall. 

As you're walking Hermione comes from behind you. "Y/n wanna go dress shopping for the ball with me and Ginny?" She asks. "Sure! When?" You turn to her. "Right now. Ginny is up in the common room." She smiles. You both walk up to Gryffindor Tower to get money and Ginny. " I hate how cold it's getting. I hate the cold." You groan. You grab your coat, hat, scarf and gloves. "Alright, I'm ready. Let's go." You say.

The three of you walk down to Hogsmeade and pick you dresses. Hermione and Ginny have already found their dresses and you're still looking. You come across this beautiful red dress. "Wow." You grab it and try it on. "Hermione! Ginny! I found my dress." You say happily. You walk out of the changing room to show them. "Wow Y/n!" They both say. "I'm getting this one." You quickly change back into your original clothes and pay for the dress.

The night of the Yule Ball is here and you're getting ready with Ginny and Hermione. "Who asked you guys?" You ask as you put your dress on. "Neville asked me. When we were dancing the other day." Ginny says. "Aww, Neville is a very sweet boy Gin. He might be a little nervous but he's really nice. What about you Hermione?" You look over at her. She blushes a bit and starts doing her hair. "Oh um, uh...Viktor Krum." She shyly says. You drop your shoe. "Seriously?!" You shake her a bit. She smiles and nods. "Oh my merlin! That's amazing." You say. 

You start to curl your hair in the bathroom. "It's quite weird though. There were so many other girls chasing him but he asked me." She says. You turn to her. "He asked you because you weren't following him around like the other girls. "You're more suttle." You say and turn back to the mirror. 

You're all done getting ready and head down to the Great Hall. Ginny runs over to Neville while you and Hermione stand at the top of the stairs for a moment . "I don't know if I can do this. I've never danced with anyone before or let anyone see me in a dress." Hermione says. You grab her hands and look at her. "You can do this Hermione. You look fantastic. Don't think too much about it." You say. She smiles. You both turn the corner and stand there for a moment. You look at George and Fred who are talking to each other. George looks up and smiles. He points towards you and Fred turns around.

His face drops. You smile and look at Hermione who is smiling nervously. You both walk down the stairs and Krum walks up to Hermione. "I'll see you on the dance floor." You smile and let her hand go. They walk off while Fred walks up to you. His face is still the same. "Hi Freddie." You say. "Y-You look so beautiful princess." He says. You blush and kiss his cheek. "Come on, Champions and their dates are the first to dance." You grab his hand and walk over to Krum and Cedric. "Wow Y/n, you look amazing." Cedric says. "Thanks Ced. You don't look too bad yourseld. Cho you look smashing." You smile at her. 

McGonagall walks over with Harry and Parvati. "Champions line up and the doors will open in a moment. You grab Fred's arm and stand behind Hermione. 

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