Chapter 35

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You sit down at the table in front of your plate from earlier. "Want me to take the first bite?" Fred asks. You nod. He picks up a fork and takes a bite. He takes another portion and holds it up to your mouth. You stare at it for a moment then slowly open your mouth. Fred puts the form into your mouth and you chew. "Good job princess. I'm proud of you. A few more bites okay?" He says grabbing your thigh.

You take a few more bites and be done. "I'm so proud of you princess." He says. You climb onto his lap and rest your head on his shoulder. Fred wraps his arms around you and you guys sit there for a while. "Alright, time to go to Diagon Alley!" Molly says. She notices you and Fred sitting in the kitchen.

"Do you want to go to Diagon Alley today Y/n?" She asks. You look up and nod your head. "I'll go get our robes." Fred says. You get off his lap and sit back in your chair. Molly comes and sits in the chair Fred was sitting in. "You know if their is something wrong you can always come and talk to me Y/n." She smiles. You smile and hug her. "Thank you Molly. I bet my mum is happy that you've been taking care of me." You say. 

She hugs you back then looks at you. "Aw, you're welcome dear. I bet she is too. Now let's get over to the fireplace to use the Floo Powder network." She says. You nod and wipe away your tears again. Fred comes back downstairs with his robe on and yours in his hand. You grab it and put it on. He kisses you and steps in. He grabs some Floo Powder and yells, "Diagon Alley!" Flames engulf him and he disappears. You step in and do the same

You get all of your new supplies and head to the Leaky Cauldron with Fred. You two sit in the corner and you start looking through your books. "There's so many books." You groan and lay your head on the table. "It's alright darling. We can always study together." He winks. You blush and look away. Fred laughs and grabs your waist, pulling you closer towards him.

You lay your head on his shoulder and play with his fingers. "Ahh, Weaslebee is here." You look up and see Draco standing there. "The fuck you want Malfoy?" You ask sitting up. "Fiesty are we now?" He smirks. You stands up and walk towards him. "Is there something you need Malfoy?" You say. He gets close to your face and smirks. 

He grabs your face and kisses you. You push him away and punch him in the nose. "What the hell is wrong with you Malfoy!" You yell. You go for another punch but Fred holds you back. "Let's just get our stuff and leave Y/n." He says. You spit at Draco and grab your stuff and leave the Leaky Cauldron. You turn down an abandoned alley and kick a bunch of stuff in your way.

"That Pure-blooded prick." You say. You set your books down and start pulling your hair. "Who the fuck does Malfoy think he is." You say and crouch down. Hands wrap around you and pull you down. They grab your hands and you let go of your hair. "Freddie..." You say and turn around.

Fred smiles at you and kisses your hand. "Let's not pull on your beautiful y/h/c hair princess. "Let's go find mum and get home." He says. You nod and stand up. Fred grabs your books then your hand and leads you out of the alley. 

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