Chapter 16

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TW !!!

The day went by slowly. You didn't mind that much, the first Quidditch practice is today. You walk into your last class and sit down next to George. 

"Hey Y/n, wanna meet up with Fred in the common room and walk to practice together?" He asks. You nod your head and pull your books out for class. 

"Welcome back to Transfiguration. Gryffindor Quidditch players will be released ten minutes early to be able to get there on time. I know how Wood gets." McGonagall says. Class goes by quickly and McGonagall lets you, George and a couple of other kids leave. 

You slowly get up to your dorm and shut the door. You get a sad feeling in your body. You kind of just stand there for a bit. "I hate this." You whisper. You sit on your bed and stare at your Quidditch robes. 

You slowly take all of your clothes off and look at your body in the mirror. You look down to see all of the cuts on your arms, legs, and torso. Your cutting has gotten worse lately. "I'm so ugly and worthless." You say. You start to slip your pants on when someone knocks on the door. 

"H-Hang on!" You yell. You try to quickly grab your shirt until the door opens and Fred walks in. "Y/n what's taking s-" He stops talking and looks at you. You quickly realize that he's staring at your cuts.

"Fuck." You think. You put the rest of your clothes on and grab your broom. You push past Fred and get to the common room. Fred shortly enters with a sad look on his face. George, Fred and you head down to the Quidditch Pitch. 

You get to the pitch and Oliver immediately tells you to get up to the other two Chasers and they would tell you the drills. The whole time you kept thinking about Fred seeing your scar. You looked over at him a couple of times but he was practicing with George. 

Practice gets done and you head back up to your dorm to shower. You put on a hoodie and sweatpants and lay in bed. It's time for dinner but you lay in bed for a bit longer. You finally decide to get up and get down to dinner even though you'll probably only take a bit.

You get down to the Great Hall and sit down next to the Golden Trio. "Hey Y/n! Why aren't you sitting next to Fred?" Hermione asks. "Oh uh, just something happened. It's alright though." You fake smile. "If he did something to you, I'll give him a piece of my mind." Ron says and he starts ti get up.

"No Ron, it's fine. I'll talk to him later about it." You say. Ron nods and sits back down, then starts back to shoving food into his mouth like always. 

You say goodbye and go back up to your dorm. Oliver recommended you read Quidditch Through the Ages so you quickly head down to the library and check it out. As you're walking back to the tower, you decide to go and talk to Fred about everything. 

You get up to his dorm and you're about to knock until you hear giggling. You open the door and see Fred on top of Angelina, kissing her. You drop your book causing them to look towards you. Fred's face drops. 

"Y/n, it's not wha-" You cut him off. "Don't you dare say it's not what it looks like. I'm not stupid Fred. You are on top of her and kissing her. We're done." You say and pick your book up. You run past Neville and the trio on your way to your dorm. You slam your door and start to cry. 

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