Chapter 52

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You get back to Hogwarts and head up to Gryffindor Tower to put your stuff away. You put on the Christmas sweater Molly made this year for you. "You know, I've always loved the sweaters your mum makes for us every year. My favorite gift." You say as you walk into the common room. "At least yours is a good color! Mine is always maroon." Ron complains. "Do you ever stop complaining? Honestly Ronald." Hermione says without looking up from her book. "Did you have a good Christmas Hermione?" You ask. 

She nods. "Here's the sweater Molly knitted." You say and take it out for Hermione. She jumps up and takes it. "I've always loved the sweaters from Molly." She says. You turn to Ron. "At least your girlfriend likes the sweaters." You laugh at Ron. He turns pink. "Hermione is not my girlfriend!" He says and quickly walks away. "Nice one Y/n." George says. You go up to your dorm and get into bed. A few hours later you wake up to someone knocking on your door.

You get up and open it. Fred is standing there, crying? "Freddie? Are you okay?" You ask. He shakes his head no. You grab his hand and pull him into your room. "What's wrong Freddie?" You ask. You bring your hand up to his face and wipe his tears. "I had a nightmare." He whispers. "Wanna sleep with me tonight?" You ask. He nods and walks over to your bed. You both crawl into bed and he lays his head on your chest. You sit there for a moment. 

It's been a while since you and Fred haven't slept in the same bed and cuddled. You put your hand on his head and play with his hair. "Are you okay Freddie?" You ask. He nods his head. "Let's just go to sleep bub." Oh dammit. You didn't mean to say that. "Okay." Is all Fred says until you hear him snore. 

"Are they back together?" "I don't know, Fred would've told me." "Y/n would've told me!" "Shush! You're gonna wake them!" "They are so cute!" You open an eye to see George, Cedric, Luna and Neville. You smile and flip George off. "I can hear your conversation." You say. George smiles. "You two are a cute couple though." Neville says. "Thanks Nev, we aren't dating right now still. I want to but I don't really know right now. Fred really hurt me this time." You say. 

Fred shifts and looks up at you. "I know, I want to make it up to you but I don't know how." He says. You turn red. "Y-You heard?" You say. He nods and smiles. "I understand how you feel. I only want to go back into a relationship as long as you do." He says and sits up. "Wanna play Quidditch after breakfast?" George asks. You nod and smile. "Guys! I have this amazing idea!" Neville says. Everyone turns to him. 

"I know I don't play Quidditch because I'm too scared, but what if we get all of the houses to come together and play Quidditch together." He says. We all nod and he continues. "Like Gryffindor and Ravenclaw against Slytherin and Hufflepuff? Obviously we'll switch up teams. And everyone sneaks out at night to go to the Quidditch Pitch while the teachers are still sleeping." He says nervously. 

Your mouths fall open. He slouches a bit. "B-But if it doesn't sound like a good idea then we don't have t-" You cut him off. "No! Neville that is the most brilliant idea ever!" You say. He smiles. "Really?" You all nods your heads. "How are we going to tell everyone without the teachers noticing?" Cedric asks. George and Fred look at each other. "How about we talk to the Quidditch captains for the other houses? Then they tell the rest of their house?" Fred suggests.

You stand up on your bed. "Brilliant! During breakfast me, George and Fred will go around to the other tables and suggest the idea!" You say. Everyone agrees and you get ready for the day. 

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