Chapter 13

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You fly back through your window and jump off Fred's broom. You start to throw your belongings around in your dorm. You hear footsteps and shouting coming from outside. You take your wand out and face the door. "Colloportus." You say.

The door seals shut. The knob starts to jiggle but it doesn't budge. You slowly fall to your knees and just stare at the ground. "REDUCTO!" Someone shouts and the door bursts into a million pieces.

People start to file into your dorm. Fred runs over to you and hugs you. You just sit there without a care in the world. "Y/n, what happened?" He asks. You slowly look up at him and say, "Nothing." You get up and leave the tower.

You head to Dumbledore's office. On your way there, Percy stops you. "Y/n what are you doing out in the halls at this time? You're supposed to be in bed." He says. You sigh and nod. "I know Percy. But please, just let me get to Dumbledore's office."

Tears start to fall down your face. He wipes them off and nods. Percy walks away and you get up to Dumbledore's office. You knock on the door and it slowly opens. You walk in and sit down in front of him. 

"I know that you've been wanting to know what happened to your parents, Y/n." He says. You nod. "Could you please tell me what happened to them Professor? I've been wanting to know for years but nobody will tell me." You plead.

Dumbledore looks at your calmly then gets up from his chair. "Y/n, let's go take a walk." He says. You nod and quickly follow behind him. "Y/n tell me, what do you think happened to your parents." He asks. 

"I don't really know, I have some theories sir." You say. You two walk past the Prefects doing their duties. "Tell me what those theories are." He says. "Well, I  think my parents were killed by Voldemort." You say looking down. "I think you're right Y/n." You look up at him. "W-Wait, so it's true? Voldemort did kill my parents. Just like he killed Harry's?" You say and stop walking.

Dumbledore nods. "But it wasn't out of hatred or anything like that. It was out of love." He says. He takes his wand out. "You see Y/n, your parents were somewhat friends with Tom when they attended Hogwarts. I know, your Gryffindor parents and a Slytherin being very close friends. For I thought that would never happen." He chuckles.

"So my parents and Tom Riddle were best friends? Then why would he kill them?" You whisper. "Let's talk about that tomorrow. Go back to your house and get some rest." You nod and start to walk off. 

"Oh and Y/n, I advise you to maybe buy a new broomstick. I heard you're trying out for Quidditch." You turn around and Dumbledore winks. He walks away and you head back to your dorm. You enter the common room and everyone looks at you. You quickly walk up to your dorm and- oh right. 

Your door is gone. You sigh and quietly head to Fred's dorm. You knock and wait. His door opens and you see him staring down at you. "I-I'm sorry. About earlier. I was mad and I didn't mean to be rude to you and everyone else." You put your hand on the back of your neck and look up.

Fred smiles down at you then opens his arms. You quickly walk into him and he squeezes you. "It's okay princess. I understand." He whispers in your ear. "Also, can I stay here? You kinda blew up my door and I don't think anyone can cast a spell to fix it right now." You ask.

"Of course you can." You both pull away and you walk away into his room. Fred gives you his shirt and some sweatpants to change into. You walk into the bathroom and change. After you're done, you look at yourself in the mirror. "Wow, I look...horrid." You whisper. 

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