Chapter 47

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You go to Gryffindor Tower and enter the common room. You took some bandages from the Hospital Wing so you start to wrap your arm. You hear someone come down the stairs so you quickly pull your sleeve down and take your book out. The couch dips down. You look over a bit and see Fred sitting there. "Did you really give mum the bracelet back?" He asks, his voicing breaking a bit. "Yes, there was no point in having it if we aren't going to be together anymore. I gave it back so she could give it to George or Ginny if they get into a relationship." You close your book and look at him, then down at his wrist.

"Plus, I saw you took yours off." You say blankly. You stand up and sit in a chair closer to the fire. "I didn't give mine back. I just put it in my dresser." He says. You look over at him. "You made it very clear how you didn't want to be with someone like me. So I gave it back. I still can't believe you believed Phoebe." You say and stand up again. "She had evidence that you did!" Fred yells and follows you. "She had a fake bruise on her cheek Fred! You could easily tell she used makeup. Like I said, I was in the library and I never left!" You yell back.

Fred grabs your arm and you shout in pain. He let's go and looks guilty. You pull your sleeve up and show him your arm. "This, is what Phoebe did. Right after you left the Great Hall. She came over and did this to me. I didn't scream nor cry...I sat there and let her do it because I feel so numb from the way you have been treating me. I actually thought you loved me and wouldn't leave me! You promised." You cry. Fred tries to reach out to you but you back up. "Guess I was just too stupid to think anyone would love me." You say.

You push past him and leave the common room. You head down to the Black Lake again and see Neville sitting in the same place as yesterday. You walk over and sit next to him. "Hey Y/n....are you alright?" He asks. "I don't know if you saw what Phoebe did to me at breakfast." You say and pull your sleeve up. You unwrap the bandages again and move your arm towards him. Neville carefully takes your arm and rubs his thumb over the words carved in your skin."I don't know if it will go away. She used some spell I've never heard of." You say and wrap your arm back up. Neville hugs you and rubs your back 


The next day you walk into DADA with the rest of Gryffindor. Slytherin were already standing there waiting. "Ah, come in come in." Professor Lupin says. "Does anyone know, what's inside that cabinet?" He asks. "That's a Boggart." Hermione says. Lupin nods. "Does anyone know what it looks like?" He asks again. "No one knows. It takes shape into what that person fears the most." Hermione says again. "I want everyone to repeat after me, no wands. Riddikulus!" Lupin says. "Riddikulus!" Everyone shouts back.

Lupin smiles. "Now everyone get into a line." Everyone lines up and starts pushing each other, you end up third in line. "Now, I want everyone to picture what they fear the very most and turn it into something...funny! One, two, three!" Lupin turns the music on and opens the cabinet. Neville ended up going first. The Boggart came out as Professor Snape. Neville quickly takes his wand out and points it. "R-Riddikulus!" He shouts.

Snape's clothes turn into what Neville's grandmother wears. Everyone laughs and Neville quickly moves away and high fives you. Ron is next. You could imagine what it'll be. The Boggart turns into a huge spider and Ron almost screams. He takes his wand out and shouts Riddikulus. Roller skates appear on it's feet, He moves to the back and you walk up, wand at the ready. 

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