Chapter 105

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Harry calls you over so you kiss Fred and walk over to him. "Follow me." Harry says. You don't ask you just do. You follow him out to the front of the castle and onto the bridge. Ron and Hermione are already there. Harry turns to you and hands you the Elder Wand. "What should we do with it?" He asks. You look down at the wand for a second before breaking it half. You chuck the pieces off of the side of the bridge. "What'd you do that for! That's the most powerful wand." Ron says. You turn to him. "Was the most powerful wand. If someone got their hands on it again who knows what they would do with it." You say. 

You head back to the castle and hug Fred. "I love you." He says. You jump on his back and kiss his cheek. " I love you too." You smile. He sets you down and turns to you. "What are you doing?" You ask. Fred takes something out of his jacket pocket and gets down on his knee. You put your hand over your mouth to stop the noises coming out. He opens the small box and inside is a little ring. "Y/f/n Y/m/n Y/l/n, I have loved you ever since we were nine years old. You'd make me nervous a lot whenever you were around me and gave me butterflies." He takes your hand as you start to cry. 

"Will you Y/n, make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" Fred asks smiling up at you. You calm yourself down and look at him. "No." You say. His smile fades and people gasp. "Nah I'm just kidding. Of course I will!" You laugh. Fred's smile returns and he picks you up, spinning you around. Everyone around claps while Fred kisses you and slips the ring on your finger. Molly runs over and hugs the both of you. "I always knew you two were going to get married!" She says happily. 

Ginny runs over and hugs you. "Can I be a bridesmaid?" She asks. "No." Fred says. You slap his arm. "Of course you can." You smile. Fred grabs your hand and starts dancing. "You know, you could've asked me at a better time. Asking me right after a war." You say sarcastically. "Well, you just looked for beautiful and I've been wanting to ask you for a few months now." He says kissing your nose. "Me beautiful? Right now? You must be crazy! I have blood and dirt all over me." You laugh. 

Fred brings you out of the Great Hall and up to what's left of the Astronomy Tower. "You always look beautiful love." He says and walks over to the railing. "Remember the first time I asked you out? It was right here, except it looked better." He laughs. "It had my favorite flower everywhere. You looked so nervous. I found it cute thought." You say resting your hand on his. 


It's been  a few months since the War and Hogwarts has been rebuilt. You and Fred have been planning your wedding as well. You both decided to get married at the Quidditch Pitch at Hogwarts. "The Quidditch Pitch! That's where you want to get married?" Molly asks when you come down the stairs. "You already told her?" You ask looking at Fred. "She asked and I can't lie to my own mother!" He says. Molly turns to him. "You've been lying to me since you could talk! Always switching places with George." She says. You giggle and sit down next to Fred.

"Yes we want to get married there Molly. It's Fred and I's favorite thing when we were at Hogwarts." You smile. "Plus, it has lots of room wince we are inviting quite a few people." You say. Molly nods and walk into the kitchen. Fred stands up while grabbing your hand. "It feels like only yesterday when we first started dating." He says. He pulls you towards a window showing the back yard. "It really does. These last few years have gone by fast. But I'm happy to be marrying my best friend." You say. 


The day finally comes and you're getting ready. Ginny, Hermione and Luna are helping you. "I'm so nervous." You say standing up and pacing around the room. Hermione sits you back down and continues your makeup. "What if he changes his mind last minute and walks out?" You say standing up again. Hermione sits you back down. "He won't Y/n. You need to take a nice deep breath, and stay still so I can finish your makeup." She demands. You stay still and look at yourself in the mirror. 

Molly comes in and smiles at you. "Y/n, you look so beautiful. You all look so beautiful." She says hugging all of you. "Molly I'm nervous. What if Fred changes his mind?" You cry to her. She walks over and sits down next to you. "He won't honey. I've seen the way he looks at you. He's madly in love with you. He's cried to me so many time saying how much he loves you and doesn't want to lose you." She hugs you. You carefully wipe your tears trying not to smudge your makeup. "R-Really?" You sniffle. 

Molly smiles and nods. "Well I guess that makes me feel a bit better." You laugh. She kisses your head and leaves the room. Hermione finishes your makeup as Ginny puts your head veil on. "I'm so jealous on how beautiful you are." Luna says. "Don't say that Luna! You're all very very beautiful. Neville thinks you're breath taking Luna." You smile. She blushes and looks away. "Neville told me. Hermione, Ron always talks about your beauty. Harry talks soooo much about you Ginny." You say. "Your times will come soon. 

You walk out of the room with Ginny, Hermione and Luna. "Oh my god this is really happening." You say. You start to have a panic attack before you enter the pitch. "Y/n, it's okay. You're going to be okay. You're gonna walk in and all of our friends and family are going to be there." Hermione says. "Oh my god." You gasp. "What? Whats wrong?" Ginny asks. You start to cry again. "My father is supposed to walk me down the isle. That's how it's supposed to go." You say through tears.

"Don't worry! I planned on doing that!" You turn and see Arthur standing there. You hug him. "Thank you Arthur." You say. "Of course Y/n. I always thought of you as my second daughter. Now let's move. The time has come!" He smiles. Hermione walks through onto the pitch with a bouquet of flowers. Ginny is next then Luna. You take a deep breath and loop your arm around Arthur's. "You look very beautiful Y/n." He whispers. You smile at him and walk through. 

Everyone stands up as you walk through. Everyone smiles at you and Arthur as you walk down the aisle. You look at Fred who is smiling big and crying a bit. Arthur let's go of your arm and kisses your cheek. He sits down next to Molly while you stand in front of Fred and hand Luna your flowers. Fred grabs your hands and smiles. The man standing in front of you goes on about why we are here today. (I honestly don't know how that kinda stuff goes) 

"Do you, Fred Weasley, take Y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He ask turning to Fred. He wipes his eyes. "I do." Fred says and puts the ring on your finger. "Do you, Y/f/n Y/l/n, take Fred to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He turns to you. "I do." You say smiling and put his ring onto his finger. The man closes hi book and smiles. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!" Fred cups your face and kisses you. You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him back. Everyone stands up and cheers for you. "I love you." Fred whispers. "I love you too." You whisper. You wipe the tears off his face and turn to everyone. "Yeah! Go Y/n!" Oliver shouts. You laugh and wave at him. "I finally feel happy again." You say to Fred. "I do too." He says resting his forehead on yours. 


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