Chapter 43

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You knock on Fred's door and wait. He opens the door and frowns when it's you. "What do you want?" He asks. You try not to cry as you hand him the box. "Here's all your stuff back. I already sent Errol to your mum with a note and the bracelet so, you don't have to worry about that." You say. Fred takes the box and kinda looks a little hurt from the last part. "Have a good night." You say and go back to your dorm. You get back in and see George standing there with a bunch of bottles. "What are you doing?" You ask.

"George is going to start the Veritaserum." Neville says happily."You aren't doing it in my dorm!" You say. George rolls his eyes and laugh. "Obviously not. We are going to go to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Her and I are good friends." Luna says. You nod and sit down at your desk. "We better start it tonight though." Cedric says sitting next to you. "I've already asked Harry for his Invisibility Cloak." George says happily.

You turn and face him. "Wait, they don't hate me?" You ask. George shakes his head. "Ron, Hermione and Harry all know that Phoebe is lying." Cedric says. You smile a bit and you all leave your dorm and head to Harry's. You knock on his door and he immediately opens it. "Was wondering when we were all going to get here. There's enough room for three of you." He says. 

You look at George. "Obviously Y/n and I are going to go. I think Luna should go since she said she's friends with Myrtle." George says. You all nod and head down to the common room. "Alright, you two stay here and play Wizard's Chess or something." George laughs. Cedric nods and walks over to the table where Ron's set of Chess is. "Let's get this done already. I'm quite tired from crying." You laugh a bit. 

You get to Myrtle's bathroom and she immediately comes our of her toilet. "Who's there?" She asks. You take off the cloak and Luna smiles. "Hello Myrtle, this is Y/f/n Y/l/n and George Weasley." She says. Myrtle eyes us then nods. "What are you doing here at this hour?" Myrtle asks. George takes out the cauldron and the ingredients for the potion. "We've came here to make a potion because this is the only place no one goes into." You say.

Myrtle laughs and floats over to you. "What kind of potion? Polyjuice?" She laughs again. You shake your head. "Veritaserum." You say. She stops laughing and gives you a serious look. George and Luna walk away and start to set everything up. "George's brother Fred, doesn't believe me about something. A Slytherin girl named Phoebe Garcia lied to everyone in the school. Fred broke up with me because of it and is probably going to start dating her." You say.

You sit down and lean against the wall. Myrtle sits next to you. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. You want to talk about it?" She asks. You smile but shake your head no. "You want to talk about anything? How was your day." You ask. Myrtle gives you a funny look, "Um, it was good." She mumbles. "That's great. If you don't mind me asking, what do you do all day? As a ghost." You ask.

Luna smiles at you both then continues working with George. "I don't really do anything that often. I just sit in here and cry, thinking about what people used to do to me when I was still alive." She starts to cry. "Oh Myrtle don't cry. It's okay. That was years ago. No one can hurt you now." You say. You try to pat her shoulder but your hand goes through her. "Oh shoot, I'm sorry." Myrtle flies up and sits on top of the sinks. "It's okay. Like I said, I just sit here and cry most of the day because who want to be friends with poor, moping Moaning Myrtle." She cries. 

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