Chapter 89

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"The Patranus Charm. That's our next lesson today." Harry says to everyone. "One of the most powerful defensive charms to wizardkind. It can keep away the Dementors." You say. You and Harry bring your wands up. "Might want to move back a bit." You say. People quickly move. "Expecto Patronum!" You and Harry say. A stag comes out of Harry's and a wolf comes out of yours. Everyone smiles at them as they chase each other around. You both drop your wands and they disappear. You look at everyone. "Now everyone go to a separate part of the room and try it." Harry says. Everyone separates. They start shouting "Expecto Patronum!" but nothing happens.

You and Harry walk around fixing everyone's posture and wand positions. "Think of your happiest memories! Let it build up inside of you!" You say fixing Fred's wand position. "Expecto Patronum!" is being yelled and silver animals come shooting out of their wands. A dog comes running and trips Neville. You help him up. "I can't do it Y/n. I can't think of any happy memories." He says picking his wand up. "You can Neville. Think about your idea you had a few years ago. The Quidditch at Night? Remember everyone chanting your name and getting along?" You say. 

He nods. "Think about those happy memories. Focus on them." Neville closes his eyes starts smiling. You back away as he brings his wand up. "Expecto Patronum!" He says. Silver mist comes out of his wand a forms a shield around him. "Non-Corporeal Patronus?" You whisper.  Everyone looks at Neville and he opens his eyes. "W-What?" He says. He drops his arm and the shield disappears. "Neville has a Non-Corporeal Patronus!" You say. 

Neville turns red. "I-Is that bad?" He asks. "Oh no, no Neville. It's not bad. It's still good. A Non-Corporeal Patronus doesn't really show an animal. It provides a shield around the caster. It's still really good." You say. Everyone goes back to their Patronus'. "Well done everyone!" Harry smiles as Ginny casts her Patronus and a horse comes out of it. Everyone continues until a loud bang comes from the back of the room. The silver animals disappear and everyone turns to the back. There's another loud bang and a tiny hole forms.

You walk over to the hole and look through. You see Umbridge on the other side with her stupid little squad. A second year comes forward while you look through. "Get back!" You yell. You turn around, grab him and launch yourself away from the door. The whole wall explodes and Umbridge walks in. 

Umbridge looks at you. "What do we have here?" She smiles toad like. Her stupid team of Slytherins walk in and grab the photo and parchment with everyone's names. "How unfortunate, that Miss. Chang had to rat you out." Umbridge says. Everyone looks at Cho who is crying. "Mr. Potter, please come with me. I can already tell this was your idea." She says.

Harry starts walking towards but you stand up and get in front of him. "No, it was my idea. I formed this group. I wanted to teach everyone spells since you wouldn't." You say looking her straight in the eye. "Well then, you'll be receiving a far worse punishment than everyone else. You'll still be joining them." She smiles. Draco walks over with the piece of parchment and hands it to her. "Dumbledore's Army?" She smiles. "Looks like we'll finally have him out of here. We have proof that he's trying to overthrow the Ministry." She says. 

Umbridge runs out of the room with her team and starts heading to Dumbledore's office. "Why did you take the blame Y/n. I was my idea." Harry asks. You turn to him. "You're only fifteen, I don't want you taking whatever punishment Umbridge it thinking of. You're too young Harry, I can deal with it." You say. Draco comes back with a smile. "Umbridge said to meet her at the Great Hall in twenty minutes. Serves you right for this lost." He laughs. You walk towards him. "Want another broken nose twat?" You lift your fist up. 

His face drops and backs away. "That's what I thought you coward." You say. Draco runs away. Fred walks up to your and grabs your hand. "It'll be alright darling." He says and kisses your head. You him him and dig your head into his chest. "We should probably start heading to the Great Hall now." George says. You slowly let go of Fred and nod. 

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