Chapter 91

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Fred lays down next to you and plays with your hair while you sleep. You wake up to his warm hands on your cheeks. "I'm sorry love. I didn't mean to wake you." He says. You turn to him and smile. "It's fine Freddie. I was going to wake up soon anyway. What time is it?" You ask. "Classes already started but we're staying here. You need rest." Fred says. You lay your head on his chest and stare at the wall. "Do you feel better?" He asks. You look back up at him and smile. "A bit more. Some limbs hurt." You laugh. There's a tapping and the sound of a bird's wings flapping.

You turn to see a brown owl flying over to you and Fred. You sit up slightly and put your arm out for it to land. "Isn't that Wood's owl?" Fred asks. You shrug and take the letter out of it's beak. "Barny. That's owl's name." You point to the little collar on it. You put Barny near the bed post and he sits on it. "Uh oh, it's a Howler." Fred says and starts laughing. You hit him and open it. "Y/F/N Y/L/N! HOW IN GOD'S GREEN EARTH DID YOU AND GEORGE WEASLEY GET KICKED OFF AND BANNED FROM QUIDDITCH?! IT'S YOUR LAST YEAR! I WANTED YOU GUYS TO WIN THE QUIDDITCH CUP! I'M DISAPPOINTED IN BOTH OF YOU!" It screams and rips its self up. 

"Ow, he's always yelled so loud." Fred says. You pet Barny while grabbing some parchment and a quill. "Gotta tell him how. It's not my fault that Malfoy is a piece of white trash." You say. You write back to Oliver saying how Malfoy was talking bad about Molly because he was mad at losing a match. You and George beating the shit out of him and Umbridge confiscating your brooms and banning you. You put it into an envelope and hand it to Barny. He takes it and flies out of the Hospital Wing. 

Madam Pomfrey said that you could leave so Fred helped you to dinner. You sat down and everyone was looking at you and asking if you were okay. You told them you were fine and just wanted to eat. "Where's Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Neville?" You ask looking up and down the table. "I don't actually know. Luna is not at her table." George says. "Weird." You whisper and start eating. Your stomach starts to hurt so you put your fork down. "What's wrong love?" Fred asks grabbing your hand. "Just my stomach. It's fine." You say. 

You lay your head on the table and close your eyes. Something hits to back of your head and you sit up quickly. In front of you are two envelopes and a box. "Wood probably wrote back." Fred laughs. "You got a Howler too?" George asks. You nod and grab the first one. "Oh Merline." You say and open it. "That Umbridge woman shouldn't of banned you from Quidditch. I wish I was there to see you fuck up Malfoy. He deserves to rot in hell." You read aloud. 

George starts laughing and you read the second one. "Meet me at the Astronomy Tower in ten minutes. Love Freddie." You whisper. You turn to where Fred was sitting and he's gone. "What the bloody hell." You say. You grab the box and open it. Fireworks come shooting out of it. "Fred Weasley I swear." You smile while shaking your head. You stand up and start walking to the Astronomy Tower. 

"Fred? You up there?" You call out to him as you climb up the stairs. "You're lucky Umbridge wasn't in the Great Hall!" You laugh a you get to the top. Fred is standing by the railing looking at the sky. "Amara looks really bright tonight." He laughs. You walk over to him and look up at the star your two named. "Super bright." You say. Fred turns to you. "Mum sent me these again." He says pulling two bracelets out of his pocket. "These are the bracelets from before." You say looking down at them. "I asked for them. Cause I want us to wear them again. Along with this." He pulls out a tiny ring from his pocket as well.

"The promise ring you gave me." You say looking up at him. Fred takes your hand and slides the ring onto your finder. Then puts the bracelet around your wrist. "There. Now we're complete." Fred smiles. 

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