Chapter 20

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"And where were you?" Hermione asks right when you take off Harry's invisibility cloak off in the common room. "Somewhere." You say. "With Fred." George smirks. "Not like that! He had George give me a note. I met him at the Quidditch Pitch." You cross your arms and sit down.

"Did he do something to you?" Seamus asks as he cracks his knuckles. "All he did was apologize and ask if we could be friends again. I said I would think about it." You say. The painting door opens and we all turn our heads to see Fred walking in.

He stops and looks back at us. "Um, howdy?" He says. Hermione and Seamus walk up to him. "If Y/n decides to forgive you, don't fuck it up." Seamus says. "And if you do, you will never talk to Y/n again." Hermione says. Fred looks over at you and you quickly look away.

"Alright, I promise I won't hurt her again." He says. They nod and walk away. You quickly stand up and go t your dorm. "You told them?" You pull your wand out and spin around. You see Fred standing next to your door. You put your wand on your bed. 

"Yeah, so what? I told them that I'm thinking about if we can be friends or not." You say turning away from him. "Alright, calm down." He laughs. You roll your eyes and lay down in bed. "You can leave now." You say putting your head under your pillow.

"Aww, but I want to stay and bother youuu." He whines. You sit up and throw a pillow at him. The pillow hits him in the face and falls onto the ground. He picks it up and throws it back at you. "Can you just leave, I'm tired. I want to go to bed." You say. There's silence so you think he left.

You close your eyes and get comfy. You feel your bed dip down a bit. You open your eyes and see Fred standing on your bed. "Fred, I will get Hermione and Seamus." You say annoyed. He smirks and starts jumping on your bed, being super annoying.

"Why are you annoying me?" You ask. "Causeeee!" He drags on. You sigh. "Fine, we can be friends again. But JUST friends." You say. He stops jumping and the biggest smile comes onto his face. He jumps on top of you and hugs your tight. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" He yells. Fred gets up and runs out of your room yelling.

"Soo, you and Fred are friends again." Penny says nudging her elbow into your arm during breakfast the next morning. "Just friends Penny. Still mad at him." You say. The hall doors swing open and everyone turns to see Angelina with bandages all over her. 

You giggle a bit and look over at George. Angelina scans the room until she spots you. She takes out her wand and starts running at you. You take your wand out and stand up. "Crucio!" Angelina yells. Everyone dives tour of the way including you. It hits the table and nothing happens.

You get up and point your wand at her. "Expelliarmus!" You yell and her wand flies out of her hand. She quickly grabs it from the ground. "Avada Ked-" "Stupefy!" Someone yells and Angelina goes flying back. 

You turn to see Fred with his wand out. Dumbledore comes running from the staff table. "Snape get Madam Pomfrey. You two come with me. McGonagall stay with her and owl Azkaban." Dumbledore says. Everyone goes their ways. You and Fred follow Dumbledore to his office. 

"So tell me what happened?" He says."She tried to kill me sir." You say. "Y/n punched her the other day because she was being a complete bitch." Fred huffs. "Language Mr. Weasley." Dumbledore says. "Sorry sir." Dumbledore turns back to you.

"Miss. Y/l/n, I'm going to have to give you a months detention. Mr. Weasley, you will be joining her." 

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