Chapter 60

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"Alright, I'm going to run in there, set the chocolate down on his desk and run for my god damn life." You say. "And we will do our beautiful bird call if he is coming this way." George says. "SQUAWWWW! SQUAWWWW!"They both scream. You put your hands over their mouths. "Yup, you boys do that. I should be quick though. In and out." You say. You take the box of chocolates and quickly walk into Filch's office. "Wow, this place is scary." You say. You set the box down at Filch's desk and run out the door back to where George and Fred are. 

"You're lucky Y/n, we saw Filch walk this way and was about to do our bird call." Fred says. Filch walks into his office and doesn't shut the door. He sees the box and opens it. Mrs. Norris walks into his office and jumps onto his desk. Filch eats a chocolate and looks at his cat. He picks her up and starts snogging her. You all burst out laughing and start running away. "That was brilliant Y/n." George says. "Thank you, thank you. I'm here all week." You laugh.


"I can't believe we actually passed out O.W.L's. Mum is gonna be proud." George says. You sit down in a compartment. "Yeah, I barely knew most of the questions on there." You laugh. Neville knocks on the door. You stand up and open it. "Hey Nev, what's up?" You say. "Flint asked me to come to the back of the train, where all of the Slytherins are. Can you come with me?" He asks and almost trips. "Of course. I'll be right back boys." You say to George and Fred. You and Neville walk to the very back of the train and find Flint. 

"Ah you brought Y/n, that's fine. Neville, we'd like to thank you for that brilliant idea of yours. About having Quidditch games at night." Flint says. You nudge Neville because he is standing there petrified. "Oh uh, th-thanks Flint." He manages to say. "If anyone gives you trouble, come to a Slytherin and tell them. I already said that we are protecting you now." Flint smiles. Neville nods and quickly leaves. "I wish I was gonna be at Hogwarts next year to I could play more night games. You guys are going to continue next year right?" He says. 

You nod. "Duh, it's going to be an annual thing now. It will go on for generations, if people don't act stupid and get us caught." You say. You wave goodbye and head back to George and Fred. "What did Flint want with Neville?" Fred asks. You kiss him on the cheek and sit on his lap. "Flint thanked Neville for the brilliant idea of Night Time Quidditch and said that all of the Slytherins are going to protect him. Well the older ones." You laugh. "Is that what we are calling that? Night Time Quidditch?" Fred asks. "It sounds catchy so yes." You say. 

Hogwarts Express gets to Platform 9 3/4 and you get off to find Molly. "Did you guys pass your O.W.Ls?" Molly asks immediately when she hugs you. "Ugh, yes mum we did. All three of us." Fred groans. "That's amazing. Your father has a surprise for everyone when we get home. Let's round up the others." Molly says happily and runs over to Ron. 

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