Chapter 104

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Fred sets you down and kisses you. "We need to get rid of the Death Eaters. Harry can't go against Voldemort and them at the same time." You say. Oliver comes running over and hugs you. "H-How?" He asks. "I'll explain after we win this. Wanna take a broom ride?" You ask him. He lets you go and nods. "Accio Firebolt!" You shout. A few seconds later you broom comes flying over. You grab it and get on. Oliver does the same thing and you kick off. "We'll be find, we'll meet you in the Great Hall." You say to Molly and Fred.

You wave and start flying around the castle. A Death Eater comes at you and Oliver but you knock them away. "There's one behind us!" He shouts. You look behind. "Gotta get behind them." You think for a moment then dive down. They follow. You weave through people and falling pieces of the castle. An opening in the ceiling comes up and you go up there. The Death Eater follows while you keep going higher.

You eventually fall back and throw a spell at the Death Eater. They fall while you and Olive rare safe. "Why didn't you do all of these cool stunts during Quidditch!" Oliver laughs. "Cause I wasn't a bad ass yet." You respond. You both defeat more Death Eaters until you don't see anymore. You round back to the front. Harry and Voldemort crash into the front again. You watch them crawl for their wands and throw spells at each other. "I gotta help him." You say. You get down to where Harry is and jump off your broom.

You get next to Harry and point your wand at Voldemort. "Thought you'd like a little help!" You say to Harry. He nods at you then looks back at Voldemort. "You'll never defeat me!" Voldemort laughs. "We'll see about that." You say. Just then you start to see a vision. Neville is running up to Nagini with the Sword of Gryffindor. He runs and slices Nagini with the sword, saving Hermione and Ron.

"Looks like your snake is no more!" You shout at Voldemort. He yells in pain and falls down. Harry disarms him and the Elder Wand flies over to him. He catches it. "Do the honors kid." You say to Harry. Voldemort starts to disappear but Harry gives one last spell. Voldemort is gone. You fall to your knees and take a deep breath. "Didn't that feel great?" You ask. He nods and continues to stare where Voldemort just was. Oliver walks over and sits next to you.

"Wow you really did it." He says looking at Harry. Harry just nods again. "Come on, let's get to the Great Hall." You say and stand up. The three of you walk into the Great Hall. Madam Pomfrey is running around trying to help everyone. "This place has gone to shit since the last time I was here." Oliver jokes. "Ha ha. You're soooo funny Wood." You roll your eyes.

You see the Weasleys standing over someone. Ginny is staring off in space. You run over to them and look down at who they are looking at. You gasp and drop down to your knees. "Freddie no..." You whisper. You look at his body on the stretcher. George knees down and hugs you. You cry until you hear laughing. You look at George who is laughing hysterically. "W-What's so funny?" You say. "BOO!" You jump and look at Fred who is now laughing as well. "Got you!" Fred laughs. You stand up and cross your arms.

"I hate you." You state and start walking away. "Aw c'mon Y/n." Fred runs over to you. He grabs your hands but you pull them away. "What wasn't funny." You say sternly. "I had to do it! Greatest prank on you." He smiles. You don't look at him. You look at the broken windows in the Great Hall. "I'm sorry princess." He grabs your chin and makes you face him. "Please forgive me?" He says coming closer to your face. Fred smiles and you slightly smile but force yourself not to. "Fine." You say and back up from him. "But I'm not kissing you right now because of that." You walk off.

McGonagall walks in the Great Hall with her hair messed up. "I'm so glad you're okay!" You hug her. "Those Death Eaters didn't stand a chance against me." She smiles. You let her go and look around. "Looks like we're going to have to fix this whole place." You say. "Indeed Y/n, but let's wait a week or two. Let everyone heal." She says then walks away to help Madam Pomfrey. You leave the Great Hall walk around the castle looking at how badly damaged it is. "This might take a while." You laugh to yourself.

You come across a little boy laying on the ground. You flip him over to see who it is. "Oh no Colin." You say sadly looking at his blood stained face. You throw a sheet over him and take your wand out, making him levitate. You levitate a few more bodies in white sheets and bring them to the the Great Hall. You see Dennis Creevey looking around. "Dennis Creevey?" You say. He looks over at you worriedly. You wave him over. He walks over and looks at the bodies.

You set them down and grab his hand, leading him to his brother. "Are you ready?" You ask before even touching Colin. He nods and you take the sheet away from Colin's face. Dennis breaks down. You crawl over and hold him. "I'm so sorry Dennis. No on should've gone through this. You're all so young." You rub his back. You throw the sheet back over Colin's face. Fred comes over and sits next to you. "Colin Creevey?" He ask. You nod sadly pointing to Dennis. 

Fred takes something out of his pocket. "Hey Dennis, I found this earlier today." He says and hands it do Dennis. "It was Colin's camera. He sure did love it. I think the picture are still there that you can develop with the moving picture potion." Fred says. Dennis takes it and nods. He gets up and walks away. "You would be an amazing dad." You giggle. 

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