Chapter 88

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You and Fred continue to make out for a bit longer until he pulls away. You start blushing and look away from him. "Aw princess, you're cute when you blush." Fred laughs quietly. He sets you down and you start walking out of the closet. "Why can't we stay here?" Fred whines and grabs your waist. You turn to him. "Because I have a feeling that Umbridge is going to find us. I don't want you to get in trouble and do the same thing that I've been doing." You say. You kiss him and back towards the door.

You peak out to check for anyone. You grab Fred's hand and quickly start walking up to the tower. "Filch." You whisper dragging him behind a statue. "Cozy." He says trying to kiss you. You hit him on top of his head and peek around. "Let's go." You grab his hand again and run up to the portrait of the Fat Lady. "Fairy lights." She swings open and you both walk in. "And where were you two?" You jump at the sound of George's voice who is sitting on the couch. "No where." You say crossing your arms. 

"I bet they were snogging." Ron says and starts laughing. Your face turns red and you sit by the fire. George starts laughing with Ron. "They were snogging! Y/n's face turned red!" George says. Ron falls to the ground and continues laughing. You stand up and walk to your dorm. "It's not like you don't want to snog Hermione, Ronald!" You yell from the stairs. You walk into your dorm and shut the door. "Assholes." You whisper while changing into some sweatpants and put Fred's hoodie on. 


"Try some of the spells Y/n and I have been teaching you on this dummy. Circle up." Harry says. Everyone circles around and starts throwing spells. "Stupefy!" Luna says and hits the dummy. Everyone continues to do so. "Reducto!" Ginny yells and the dummy blasts into a million pieces.. He eyes grow wide and miles. George, Fred and Ron look at her then move away a bit. "Wow Ginny, that was brilliant! Scared of your sister now boy?" You laugh. Everyone continues before it comes to an end. "We've seen a lot of improvement. Unfortunately, Christmas break is coming and this is our last time together until we come back. Keep practicing." You say. Everyone says "Bye" and "Merry Christmas" as they leave.


You wake up at Grimmauld Place and sit up. "Lay back down." Fred whines and pulls your down. "Freddie, it's Christmas. Your mum is going to want us downstairs." You say. He sits up and looks at you. "Christmas! Yay!" He yells and get out of bed putting a shirt on and running out of the room. "Man child." You shake your head and get dressed. You walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Morning Y/n." Molly says kissing your head. "Morning Molly. You're welcome for getting Fred up. I said today is Christmas and he actually got up." You smile.

She laughs and goes back to cooking breakfast. You sit down next to Fred and he puts his hand on your thigh. Harry is the last one to come down. Molly finishes breakfast and sets it down on the table. "Are you doing alright Arthur?" You ask looking at him. "I'm doing fine Y/n. Thanks to Harry of course!" He smiles and turns to Harry. "To Harry!" Arthur picks his glass up into the air. Everyone does the same. "To Harry!" You all say. Harry smiles awkwardly and sits down. 

The break goes by quickly and you're already back at Hogwarts. "We should teach them the Patronus Charm next Harry. It's one of the most powerful defensive spell." You whisper to him on the train. "Do you think they're ready for that yet?" He whispers back. "They've came so far Harry. They all have been doing really well. We need to teach them that Charm." You say. "What are you two whispering about?" Ron asks. You and Harry smile at him and go back to talking. "All right, we'll teach them the Patronus Charm. They'll have to defend themselves against a Dementor." Harry laughs. 

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