Chapter 42

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Luna's POV 

I walk back into the Great Hall and over to the Gryffindor Table. "Fred, may I talk to you?" I ask nicely. Phoebe scoffs as Fred nods and stands up. We walk out and I turn around to look at him. "How dare you." I say. Fred looks at me confused. "Don't play dumb Fred." I point my finger at him. "I don't want to be with Y/n if she is going to be violent and threaten people." He says. I slap him across the face. 

"I'm usually not like this but when it comes to close friends, I am." I say sternly. "Y/n did nothing to Phoebe. She was in the Library like she said she was. I was there earlier today too. I watched her walk in, and watched her leave for dinner." I say. Fred looks down at me but doesn't say anything. "But of course, you won't believe me either. You lost an amazing girl Fred. She was so in love with you but you chose to believe that Slytherin." I say. I turn around and start to Gryffindor Tower to meet with Y/n and Neville. 

Y/n's POV 

Neville walks you up to your dorm and stays with your for a bit. Cedric ended up coming too and brought some food with him to try and get you to eat. You refused and look down at your wrist. "Looks like I have to give Mrs. Weasley the bracelet back." You pick your bag up and take some parchment, ink and a quill out. You write a note to Molly explaining what happened. "I'll walk you up to the Owlery Y/n." Cedric says. 

You and Cedric walk out and head to the Owlery. You get there and see Errol sleeping. "Errol, I have something for you to take. Hope you're up for the journey." You say. He wakes up and hoots. You take the bracelet off and wrap it on Errol's leg along with the note. You put your arm out for him to climb on. He does and you walk out the door and watch him fly away. You wipe away more tears and turn to Cedric. "Come on, let's go back." He says. You nod and you both head back towards the castle. 

You walk into the common room to see George and Fred sitting on the couch talking. George looks up at you and smiles sadly at you. Fred looks up and scoffs. You grab Cedric's hand and lead him up to your dorm where Neville is. You walk in and see Luna as well. Luna gets up and hugs you. "I slapped him and told him off for you." She says. You pull back and look at her funny. 

"You? Luna Lovegood, slapped someone?" You ask. She smiles and nods. You smile and hug her again. "Are all of you just going to spend the night here or something." You ask. They all nod. You nod as well and someone knocks on the door. Luna opens it. "Oh hello George. What can we do for you?" She asks. "Can I come in and talk to you guys?" He asks. Luna nods and moves so George can come in.

He closes the door and hugs you. "I have a plan." He says. You look up at him and then sit on your bed. "What's your plan George?" Cedric asks. George takes out a piece of parchment and his wand. "So you know how all of us know Y/n isn't lying about what happened but everyone thinks she is?" He says. You all nod. "So how about I brew Veritaserum and I act like I'm Fred so Phoebe will drink it." He smiles. You look away from the floor and up at him.

"Of course! I forgot all about that potion! How long will it take to make it?" You ask him. George smile fades. "Um, twenty eight days." He mumbles. You fall to your knees. Neville gets down and hugs you. "So, I have to live twenty eight days with everyone hating me." You say. "It's okay Y/n. You and I have all of our classes together so if anyone gives you shit I'll come and save the day." George says. 

You laugh and Neville wipes your tears. "I might as well give Fred back all of his stuff." You say. You stand up and start packing all of his clothes into a box. "Do you want me to give him his stuff?" George asks. You shake your head no and leave. 

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