Chapter 83

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"Y/n! Y/n! Wait up!" You turn and see Neville running up to you in the hall. "Hey Nev, what's up?" You ask. He stops in front of you and bends down to catch his breath. "I found a room! Here in the castle! For Dumbledore's Amry." He says. You cover his mouth quickly. "Shh! Some people don't know Neville." You whisper to him. He nods and you remove your hand. "Where is this room?" You ask. He grabs your hand and drags out around the castle until you come to a plain boring wall. "Uh, this is just a wall Nev." You say looking at him confused. "Just wait." He looks around and walks up to the wall. A door forms and he opens it. 

You follow Neville inside. Once you're inside you see only a fireplace and a couple of chairs. "What is this room?" You say looking around. Neville shrugs. "I don't know, I randomly walked by and it showed up." He says. You turn to him. "Does Harry know yet?" you ask. He shakes his head. " I just found it and was looking for one of you. You happened to be the one I found." He says. A big smile stretches across your face. "This is brilliant Neville! Come on, we have to find Harry!" You say. You run out of the room with Neville close behind.

You run into the Great Hall and find Harry. "Harry!" You and Neville say in unison. You both run over to him as he looks up. "We found a room." Neville whispers. "No, Neville found a room. For Dumbledore's army." You say. Harry's face brightens. "Brilliant! Show me where it is." He says standing up. You grab Ron, Hermione, George and Fred as you're walking out. You and Neville lead them back to the wall. You give Neville a thumbs up that the coast is clear and he walks up to it. 

The door appears again and you all quickly walk in. "Ta da!" You say. Everyone looks around the room while you and Neville fist bump. "The Room of Requirement." Hermione smiles. "It only appears when someone is in great need of it." Ron says. Hermione turns to him with her jaw dropped. "How do you know what the Room of Requirement is?" She asks. Ron just laughs and goes over to Harry. 


You're walking to Potions as some students from Slytherin and Ravenclaw run up to you. "Y/n! You won't believe what Umbridge did! That git!" A Slytherin boy says. You follow them to the outside of Umbridge's classroom. They all point to a plaque at the side. You start to read. "All student organizations, societies, teams, groups and clubs are henceforth disbanded. This mean all Quidditch teams are banned. Permission to reform must be approved by High Inquistor Umbridge. No student organization can exist without the knowledge and approval of the High Inquistor." You read aloud. 

You look at them. "You're joking? She banned Quidditch? That's the only thing that keeps us sane. I'm going to Dumbledore!" You shout. You stomp your way from them and head up to the Dumbledore's office. You knock on the door and wait. The door opens and you walk in. Dumbledore is sitting at his desk writing something. He looks up and smiles at you. "Afternoon Y/n, what do I owe the pleasure?" He asks. You throw your stuff on the ground. "Umbridge banned Quidditch! She said that we had to go to her if wanted to request something! It's my last year here Professor, I want to play my last Quidditch season here at Hogwarts." You say. 

You slam your hands on his desk and something falls over. "Bloody hell, sorry Professor." You pick up the item and set it back on his desk. "I did hear about that. I told Umbridge that she isn't allowed to ban everything that she doesn't like. I told Filch to take that down." Dumbledore says. "So Quidditch isn't banned?" You say. Dumbledore nods and you sigh in relief. "Thank Merlin. Sorry I came in here like this Professor." You say. Dumbledore puts his hand up. "It's quite alright Y/n. Harry and Draco also came in here talking about." He says. 

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