Chapter 99

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Bill and Fleur's wedding had came quickly. You got up early and started to get ready. You put on a beautiful flowy type dress with small daisies on them. You curled your hair and put some makeup on. Fred finally woke up around 10:50. "Good morning sleepyhead." You say as you put your shoes on. "How long have you been up?" He mumbles. "Since 7:30." You smile. You walk over to him and drag him out of bed. Once he gets up and sees your, he's full of energy. "You look gorgeous princess." He says. You blush and smile. "It's just something nice I had in my closet. Haven't gotten the chance to wear it until now." You say.

Fred sets his hands on you hips and kisses you. You pull away and usher him to get dressed. You walk down the stairs until someone stops you from going any further. "Shh! Harry and Ginny are in the kitchen." George whispers. You both peek around the corner to see Harry zipping Ginny's dress up. Once he does, Ginny turns around and they stare at each other for a moment before kissing. You and George tip toe into the kitchen and grab some coffee. You both lean against the counter looking at the.

Ginny moves away from Harry and looks at you two. She blushes and looks away. Harry turns to you two and his eyes grow wide. "Moooorning." George and you say together then wink at them. Ginny walks away smiling while you and George laugh at Harry's face. "What are you two giggling about?" Ron asks, oblivious to what just happened. You and George look at each other and start giggling again. "What?!" Ron asks. Harry gives a look of not to say anything but you do. "Oh you know, just walk in on Harry and Ginny." You say trying not to laugh. "Doing what?" HE asks.

Harry looks at you again. "Kissing!" George yells. You both run outside with Harry chasing after you and Ron chasing after Harry. "I'm going to kill you both!" Harry yells. "I'm going to kill you Harry!" Ron screams from behind. You and George just laugh as you run. Molly comes outside to see what the yelling is all about. You and George run behind her. "Harry is trying to kill us!" George screams. "Ron is trying to kill me!" Harry yells. "Why?" Is all Molly asks. 

You start laughing again. "Georgie and I caught Harry and Ginny kissing. Then Ron asked why we were giggling. And we told him." You say holding your hand over your mouth. "No on is killing anyone. Now go help Arthur and Charlie with the tent." Molly says and goes back inside. 

The night draws nearer and people start to show up. You're washing your hands from planting flowers earlier until Ron, Hermione and Harry come up to you. "Y/n." Harry says. You turn around and dry your hands off with a rage. "Yes?" You say and put the rag down. "Could we talk to you?" Hermione asks. You nod and go up to Ron's room. They say you down and told you what there were going to do. "We have to find six Horcruxes. Voldemort created six of them to help him live. We aren't going back to Hogwarts this year." Harry says. You stare at him for a moment.

"The locket. Let me see it." You say. Hermione takes it out of her pocket and hands it to you. "Not inside?" You say not looking but you can still see them nod. You open it and read the note. "We don't know who R.A.B is." Ron says. You think for a moment and continue looking at the note. You stand up and start pacing. "Obviously this isn't the real locket. R.A.B so Voldemort couldn't find it. R.A.B, R.A.B. Who is it?" You mumble to yourself. You close your eyes for a moment. You open them and stare at Harry.

"Sirius Black had a brother right?" You ask. He shrugs. "I think so." He says. You nod and continue laying. You close your eyes again then look at Harry. "Regulus Arcturus Black. Sirius' Black brother. That's who R.A.B is." You say. Ron, Hermione and Harry's mouthes drop. "How could you possibly know?" Hermione asks. "Summer before Seventh Year when we were all there because of the Order. I was walking around Grimmaul Place. I came across a room with R.A.B on it. Sirius found me and told me about his brother. That's who took the real locket. But, Regulus is dead." You say and start pacing you. 

"How can we even find the real locket?" Ron says. You think for a moment. "Kreacher. Talk to him." You say. You hand the locket back to Hermione. "Why Kreacher?" Harry asks. You sit back down in front of them. "Kreacher was loyal to Regulus. Pretty sure he liked him more than the others. Talk to him about the locket. He must know something." You say. They nod and you all walk back downstairs. Fred greets you and takes your hand.  You really do look beautiful tonight darling." He says. "You look very handsome as always." You smile. You enter the tented area. Bill and Fleur are dancing so you go over and watch them.

Soon other people start dancing so Fred grabs your hand and drags you to the dance floor. You both start to dance to the music. Fred spins you around and then starts flapping his arms around. 

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