Chapter 34

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You sit back in your chair. "I just don't get hungry that often. When I do eat, it's not that much." You say. You stand up and leave the table. You go up to your room and lock the door. It's true, you haven't eaten that much all summer. You've been wanting to lose weight forever. You've tried everything; working out everyday, limiting calories and sugars, even trying different diets. But nothing worked. There isn't anything that works.

So you just decided to barely eat anything. You lay down in your bed and play with your rings. It feels like you've been laying there for hours until someone knocks on the door. You open it to see George and Fred standing there. They push you aside an walk in. "Is there something you need boys?" You shut the door and sit on your bed.

"Why haven't you been eating?" George says. They both come and sit down next to you. You shrug. "Like I said, I just don't get hungry often." You say. "You said that, what's the real reason? What's wrong darling?" Fred asks. They wrap their arms around you and hug you tight. Fred grabs your chine and faces you towards him.

You can see the pain in his eyes since you won't tell him. You look away and down at the floor. You start to cry and bring your hands up to your face. "I fell so ugly! I just want to be prettier like all of the other girls." You sob and run into your bathroom, locking the door behind you. "Y/n! Please don't lock yourself in there!" George pounds on the door.

You drop down onto the cold tiles and cry even more. "Please let us in Y/n! We want to help!" Fred yells. You lay there on the ground, curled up into a ball crying. "Y/n, it's just me. George." He says. You sit up and lean against the wall. "Just leave me a-alone, Georgie." You sniff. "Can I come in and talk?" He asks. You sit there for a few more minutes then slowly open the door.

George pushes the door open more and hugs you. "Y/n, please tell me why you're starving yourself." He says. You close the door behind him and George let's you go. You sit on top of the counter and play with your rings again. "I've always gotten bullied for the way my body looks. It's been happening since first year." You say. George walks over to you.

"It first started off as like one time every couple of months. But then it started to get more and more worse. Like I said, I've tried everything and nothing helped so I just decided to starve myself." You start to cry again. George hugs you and you continue. "I've been hiding that for four years. I didn't want to tell you and Fred because I didn't want you guys to worry." 

The bathroom door opens and Fred walks in. George smiles at him. Fred walks over and hugs you as well. "Sorry, I was listening outside the door." He laughs a bit. "Who kept making fun of you love?" Fred asks. You wipe your tears. "A-Angelina started to, but she's in Azkaban for trying to kill me last year haha." You laugh nervously.

Fred puts his hand on your thigh. "I wish you would've told us when it first happened, Y/n." He says. You look down again. "I didn't want you guys to worry." You say. George cups your face. "Y/n, we're always going to worry about you. You're like another sister to us. Girlfriend to Freddie obviously." George chuckles. You laugh as well. 

"There's that smile." Fred says. He wipes the rest of your tears off and grabs your hand. "Come on, let's go get you some food." He says. You nod and hop off the counter. The three of you go back downstairs into the kitchen. 

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