Chapter 41

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"I'm gonna go to the library. I'll meet you at dinner." You say to Fred and kiss him. You walk into the library and sit in the corner where no one can see you. You start the essay McGonagall gave you about Revelio. You get one in about ten minutes. You open your book and start reading about the plants Professory Sprout talked about earlier in class this morning. After an hour you look at the time and realize dinner has started. You quickly pack your things up and get to the Great Hall. 

Once you enter almost everyone stares at you and whispers to each other. You sit down and people move away from you. You look up and down the table to have everyone looking at you. "Why are you guys acting so weird?" You ask. They look at you like you've gone mental. No on answers you so you just pull your book out and start reading. 

"Y/n, can I talk to you?" You turn and see Cedric Diggory standing there. "Oh um sure." You say and stand up following him out of the Great Hall. Everyone continues to stare at you. "What is it that you wanted to talk about?" You ask. "Is it true?" He says. You raise an eyebrow. "Is what true?" You ask very confused. "Is it true that you threatened Phoebe and punched her in the courtyard?" He asks. "What? I haven't even went to the Courtyard today at all. I went to all of my classes then I just came from the library." You say.

Cedric sighs in relief. "I knew you weren't that type of person." He smiles. "Who said I did that?" You ask. "Phoebe told everyone that. She has a bruise on her cheek." He says. Tears start to come down your face. "I-I never did that. Why would she say that." You say. "Y/N!" Someone yells. You turn around and see Fred coming up to you angry. "Oh hey Freddie." You wipe your tears and smile. 

"Don't 'Hey Freddie' me! What is wrong with you!?" He yells. You take a step back from him. "I didn't do anything Fred." You say. Phoebe comes up and points at her cheek. "You threatened and punched Phoebe!" He yells. "I never did that Fred! I was in the Library, I never went to the Courtyard!" You yell back. "The evidence is right here Y/n! Can't get out of this one." Fred says. Phoebe starts "crying" and hands onto Fred's shoulder. 

"Phoebe is a nice girl, you shouldn't be doing this kind of stuff." He says. Tears start to stream down you face again. "I don't want to be with someone who is going to act like this. I think we shouldn't be with each other." Fred says. He wraps his arm around Phoebe and walks into the Great Hall. You fall to your knees with tears falling down your face. 

Cedric gets down to your level and hugs you. "I-I-I don't know wh-what to do." You say crying."I-I don't hav-have any friends n-now." You lay your head on his shoulder and cry. "I mean, we've never really talked before. But we could be friends if you want to." You say. Cedric smiles and nods. Luna and Neville come running out of the Great Hall and over to you. "We saw Fred with Phoebe and he had his arm around her." Neville says. 

You start crying again and lay your head back on Cedric's shoulder. "Phoebe lied about Y/n punching her in the Courtyard. Fred just broke up with her. He won't even listen to her." Cedric says. Luna and Neville crouch down and hug you as well. "We believe you Y/n." Luna says. You sit up and wipe your tears. "Thanks. I-I'm gonna go back to my dorm." You say and stand up. "Neville make sure Y/n gets up to her dorm okay. I'm gonna go talk with Fred." Luna says. 

Neville nods and grabs your hand. You pick your bag up and walk with Neville back to Gryffindor Tower. 

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