Chapter 23

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Fred opens the shower curtain and turns the water on. He looks over and sees the bloody razor. He picks it up and looks at it. "Y/n..." He says and turns towards you. You see he's holding the razor and try not to break down again. 

"P-Please don't be ma-mad at me..." You whisper. You roll up your sleeves to reveal all of the cuts on your wrists. Then you take your pants off to show your thighs, and your shirt to show your torso. Fred walks over to your and looks at all of your cuts.

"I'm not mad love. How long?" He says. You wipe your tears away. "A-About two months now." You say. "It's alright. I'm not mad at you. Get yourself into the shower and I'll bring your some clothes and clean up your cuts." He smiles. "Can I have one of your hoodies?" You ask. 

"Of course you can." Fred kisses your forehead and leaves the bathroom. You take the rest of your clothes off and get into the shower. You slowly put your cuts under the water and try not to cry from the burning. You turn the water off and wrap a towel around you. 

You peek out the door and see Fred holding clothes for you. You take them and change. "Wait, these are Fred's..." You look in the mirror and see the baggy clothing. You shake your head and smile a bit. You leave the bathroom and Fred hands you his Quidditch hoodie.

"Freddie, I only asked for your hoodie not pants and a shirt." You smile. You two go back into the bathroom so he can clean your cuts. "But you look so cut in my clothes." A big smile spreads across his face. You roll your eyes and hop onto the counter.

Fred takes out some Hydrogen Peroxide and bandages. "It's going to sting a bit love." He says. You nod and get ready. He cleans your cuts and then wraps the bandages around your wrists. "Thank you Freddie." You smile a bit. "Promise me you won't do it again. If you have the need, find me." He says.

You nod and look down at your hands. "I promise I won't do it anymore." You say. Fred grabs your chin and you look up at him. "Have you thought about it?" He asks. "A little bit. I might still be thinking." You say looking away. "You might?" He smiles. You push him back a little and roll your eyes. 

"Yes I might." You hop down off of the counter. Fred grabs your hand and pulls your towards him. He puts his hands on your waist as he looks down at you. "What if I want an answer right now" He smirks. You blush and put your head on his chest. You think for about another minute and look back up at Fred.

"W-We can try again." You whisper. "What was that princess?" He smiles and pulls you closer. You blush even more trying to get the words out. "I say, we can try again." You say. Fred smiles and then picks you up and spins you around. 

He sets you down and you two look into each other's eyes. Fred leans down and kisses you. You kiss back and wrap your arms around his neck. He pulls away and rests his forehead on yours. "I've been wanting to do that for so long. I promise I won't hurt you ever again." He says. You yawn and lay your head back on his chest.

"You tired princess?" He asks. "Yeah, I wanna go to bed." You say. Fred picks you up and carries you to your bed. He puts you down. "You look so cute in my clothing. It's so big on you." He laughs. You move over for him to lay down next to you. "Oh shush and lay down. Let's go to sleep." You say. Fred gets in bed with you and holds you close. 

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