Chapter 28

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You walk into Dumbledore's office and take a seat. "I have a realized that we never talked about why Tom killed your parents out of love Y/n. He says calmly. You nod in agreement. "I myself forgot as well." You say. "Well, like I said they were very close with each other. At the time there was another dark wizard who wanted to only kill you. No one knows where he came from or he was. For I don't know those answers as well. Tome went to your house and told you parents who was coming and told them that he needs to kill them. Your parents agreed, but your mother asked him to bring you to the Weasley's. She gave him a note for Mrs. Weasley and you." He says.

You continue to look at the floor. "S-So they agreed to have him kill them so he could save me?" You ask. You look up and he nods. "I know it's a lot to take in especially right now." He says. "Well at least I know the whole story. Is Voldemort like Godfather?" You ask. Dumbledore pauses for a moment. "Most likely they made Tom your Godfather since they were all so close." You nod and stand up.

"I have lots of work to catch up on. Thank you sir." You say and quickly walk out. You run back to the tower and say the password to the Fat Lady. She let's you in and you sit on the couch. "Why do people always want to kill me?" You whisper. Tears drop onto your hands as you start to think about everything Dumbledore had told you.

"Wait, Fred was right." You say. "I'm always right." You spin around and see Fred standing there. You stand up quickly and grab his hand. dragging him up to your dorm, You shut the door after you walk inside and walk over to the window sill to sit. "Are we going to talk now?" Fred asks and walks over to you. You nod and bring your knees to your chest and rest your head. 

Fred sits in front of you. "You were right." You whisper. "Right about what exactly?" He asks grabbing your hand. "Voldemort did kill my parents for a good reason." You look out the window and up at the stars. "There was another dark wizard. Who wanted to kill me. Dumbledore doesn't know why but he wanted to kill me." You start.

"Tom...well Voldemort and my parents were very close when they went to Hogwarts. So, Voldemort went to them that night and told them what was happening." You start to tear up a bit but continue. "He told them that he should kill them but my mum said to give me to your mum since they were close as well. She gave Voldemort me and a note. He killed them and took me to the Burrow." You finish.

Fred picks you up and lays you down in your bed. "I asked Dumbledore if Voldemort was like my Godfather and sure enough he is." You roll over and face away from him. "I don't even know if he wants to kill me or wants to let me live with him but I feel if I tell people Voldemort is my Godfather they are going to think differently." Fred crawls over to you and make you face him.

"I don't think of you differently. You aren't blood related to him. I still love you." He says. You sit up and look at him. "That's true but it's just weird to think about it." Fred pulls you back down and wraps his arms around you. "Let's just get some sleep princess. You're tired and had a lot of stuff thrown at you today. He sees.

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