Chapter 40

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"Bloody hell. I can't sleep." You say to the darkness. You get up and put some socks on. You grab your book and is about to leave your dorm. You turn and look at Fred's hoodie. You grab it and slip it on. You walk down to the common room and take a seat on the couch and start reading your book. You hear footsteps but you don't turn to see who it is. The couch dips down and an arm lays around your shoulder.

"You look cute in my hoodie." They say. You don't say anything and continue reading. "I'm sorry Y/n." He says. You know it's Fred but you don't look up. "Sorry for what." You say. He puts his hand on your thigh and squeezes it. "I'm sorry for being an ass and being around Phoebe." He says. You close your book and look towards him. "To be honest. You really should be sorry. I have trust issues because of things like that. Another girl being all over my boyfriend and then my boyfriend being completely fine with it." You say. 

"She wasn't all over me Y/n." Fred says. You whip your head back over to him. "Yes she was Fred! She was so close to you and kept being flirty!" You yell. Tears start to form in your eyes. Fred brings his hand up to your face. "I'm sorry Y/n. I promise I don't like her thought. I love you." He says. He kisses you and boops your nose causing you to smile a bit. "There we go. Now come on. Let's go sleep in my dorm." He says. He gets up and starts walking away. 

"Come on princess." He says. You put your arms up motioning him to come and pick you up. He smiles and walks back over, picking you up. You wrap your arms and legs around him as he carries you up to his dorm. 

You and Fred wake up and get ready for the day. "I'm glad we have all of your classes together. So I can be with you all day long." Fred kisses you. You smile and nod. You walk into the Great Hall and sit down. "Heyyyy Freddie!" Phoebe comes and sits in between you and Fred again. You roll your eyes and see Neville enter the hall. "Hey Neville!" You say and wave. He looks over and waves back. You move away from Phoebe and Fred to sit next to Neville. 

"How is your morning going so far Neville?" You ask and look at his plant he was carrying. "Pretty good. How about yours?" You move your head towards Phoebe and Fred. He looks at them and frowns. "I don't like her being so close." He says looking back at you. "Me neither. But he told me he'd never leave me for her so." You say. Neville grabs your shoulder. "I'm sure he wouldn't leave you." He says. You smile.

"Thanks Nev." You and Neville continue talking until Fred walks over. "Let's go to class Y/n." Fred says grabbing your arm. "Oh uh alright. Bye Neville! See you later!" You yell as Fred drags you out. "Fred could you let go of my arm?" You say. Fred doesn't say anything and continues to drag you outside to Herbology. "Fred, you're hurting me." You say. Fred stops and let's go of your arm.

"I'm sorry. Phoebe just told me something that makes no sense." He says and grabs your hand. "What did she say?" You ask as you both walk into Herbology. "She said apparently, you threatened her last night in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom." He says looking at you. You look up at him puzzled. "I was with you last night. I only left my dorm to go to the common room to read. She's lying!" You say. Fred cups your face with both hands. "I know, I know." I believe you obviously." He smiles. You nod and open your book. 

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