Chapter 67

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Finally, the day has come where the goblet will pick the names of the three Champions. Everyone stays in the Great Hall after dinner for the goblet. "The moment you have all been waiting for, the Champion selection." Dumbledore says. He walks up to the goblet and the flames turn red. A piece of parchment comes flying out. Dumbledore grabs it and reads it. "The Durmstrang Champion is....Viktor Krum!" Durmstrang and a lot of Hogwarts students cheer as Viktor stands up and walks towards Dumbledore. They shake hands and Viktor down a corridor. 

Another piece of parchment comes out of the goblet. "The Champion from Beauxbatons....Fleur Delacour!" The girls cheer as Fleur stands up and walks down the same corridor as Krum. A final piece of paper come from the flame. "The Hogwarts Chapmpion....Cedric Diggory!" Everyone stands up and cheers for him. You do the same and watch him follow the same path. "We now have our three Champions. But in the end, only one will go down in history." Dumbledore smiles. People cheer but the goblet's flames glow red once again. 

Two piece of parchment come flying out. Dumbledore grabs them. "Five Champions?" People keep saying. "It's the Triwizard Tournament." People whisper but quiet down as Dumbledore turns around and face everyone. "Harry Potter and...." He looks down at the second piece of parchment and his face goes white. He looks back up and over near you. "And Y/f/n Y/l/n." 

You and Harry both look at each other and stand up slowly. You walk up to Dumbledore. People start shouting. "They're a cheat!" Someone yells. "They aren't even seventeen yet!" Another says. Dumbledore hands you the pieces of parchment. You look down at yours and immediately know that it isn't your hand writing. You and Harry walk down the corridor and into a room full of gold and many other shiny things. "What are you two doing down here?" Cedric asks. You run up to him and hug him.

He hugs you back and rubs your head. "Someone put our names into the goblet. It chose us two." Harry says. "Five Champions?" Krum says. Multiple footsteps come running down the stairs. You turn away from Cedric and see a bunch of people running down the stairs. "Harry! Y/n!  Did you put your names into the goblet of fire!" Dumbledore yells grabbing both of you. "No sir!" You say. "Did you have one of the older kids do it?" He asks. You and Harry shake your heads. 

"Liars!" Madame Maxime yells. Cedric comes to your side. "We aren't even seventeen! We couldn't of stepped through the age line, and we didn't ask an older kid to do it for us!" You shout. You walk out of the room and run through everyone in the Great Hall. George gets up and follows you out. He grabs your arm and pulls you towards him. "I-I didn't put my name into the goblet George! Neither did Harry, please believe me." You cry. George hugs you. "Of course I believe you. I know you wouldn't do anything like that." He says. 

You cry into his chest as he rubs your back. "I thought you weren't interested in the tournament." You lift your head and see Fred standing there. "I am interested but not interested to the point where I'm competing." You wipe your face. "How'd you do it?" He asks. "I didn't! Someone put mine and Harry's name in. We didn't want this." You say. George gives him a look and Fred raises his eyebrows.  

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