Chapter 72

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The doors open and you all walk in a line to the dance floor while everyone claps. You and Fred stand in the middle of the floor and place your hands in the right places. The music starts playing and the ten of you start dancing. Fred stares down at you and just smiles. He puts his hands on your hips and lists you up into the air along to the music with everyone else. "We are a natural at this." You laugh. Fred agrees. Soon everyone around come in and start dancing as well.The song ends and the Weird Sisters come out. They start singing and everyone is jumping around.

Fred starts dancing weirdly and you just laugh. "You're such a goof ball!" You yell over the music. He takes your hand and spins you around. You dance with Fred for what seems like forever until you start to get tired. "I'm going to get drinks. Stay here." He says and walks away. You sit at a table and take your heels off. Hermione and Krum walk out of the crowd and he kisses her hand. She sits next to Harry and they start talking. Fred comes back with water and hands you a cup. "Thanks Freddie, I needed this." You say. 

He looks down and see your shoes are off. "Feet hurt?" He asks and you nod. A slow song start playing and you look over at Freed. You stand up and grab his hand. "What about your shoes?" He asks. "I'll grab them before we leave. I wanna dance to this last song." You say. You wrap your arms around his neck and he rests his hands on your waist. You slow dance with each other for a bit. "I know I already said something but you really do look fantastic love. You  should wear dresses more often." He kisses your cheek. "You see me wearing skirts all of the time." You say. 

Fred rolls his eyes. "Well yeah but liked days we don't have class or after class." He says. You rest your head on his chest. "I'll think about it." You say. You start to get tired so you and Fred decide to leave. You grab your heels that are still at the table and start walking out of the Great Hall. "Do you want me to carry you?" Fred asks. You nod and lift your arms into the air. He pick you up, you wrap your arms and legs around him while laying your head on his shoulder falling asleep. 


The day of the Second Task finally comes. You're walking with George and Lee to the boats to get to the docks. "Bubble Charm, I'll use the Bubble Charm. It'll last me an house, yup it will. Where the hell is Fred?!" You ramble and look around. "I haven't seen him all damn morning and I'm freaking out." You say and sit down. "I bet he is already there." George says. You nod your head and start cracking your knuckles. The boat takes to the docks and you stand with the rest of the Champions. 

"Couldn't they have picked a warmer day?" You groan as you hand George your clothes. You stand in their red bathing suit and look out at the water. George and Lee hug you to try and keep you warm. "Welcome to the Second Task." Dumbledore's voice booms. "We have taken something from each Champion and put it at the bottom of the Black Lake. You have one hour to bring your item up to the surface. At the explosion form the cannon y-" Filch sets the cannon off early again. 

George and Lee let go and you dive into the water. You take you wand out and point it at your head. "Papula Caput." A bubble of air forms around your head. You start swimming farther into the lake trying to figure out what item Dumbledore might have taken from you. "God this is fucking freezing." You say to yourself. You swim into an area full of seaweed. You see Fleur for a second before something grabs her and she disappears. "Oh jesus takes the wheel. I gotta find my item and get the fuck out of here." You say and swim away from that area. 

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