Chapter 86

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You pick you up some paper that fell off the some mirror that Harry brought in. You flip it over and see that's a photograph. You smile at it. "My parents are in that." Harry comes up next to you. "Your mum is very pretty. You definitely have her eyes. And your father, look just like him." You laugh. "I get that a lot." Harry says. You tape the picture back up on the mirror. "I wish I had a picture of my parents. I haven't had any. I asked Molly but she couldn't find any." You say. You look up and see a picture of Cedric smiling down at you. 

You smile and turn, bumping into someone. "My bad." You look up seeing Fred smiling down at you. He leans down to your ear. "Meet me in the Forbidden Forest in ten minutes." He whispers. You nod and he runs away. "Why does he always run away after he tells you something?" Harry asks. You shrug. "It's Fred. I've been living with him for too many years. George does the same thing." You laugh. 

You bid Harry good bye and head down to the Forbidden Forest. You get there and see lights leading into the forest. "If I die, I'm haunting Fred for the rest of his life." You shake your head and quickly walk into the forest. You follow the lights until you come across an opening. "Fred? Are you there?" You call out. Silence. You walk out into the opening and look around. "At least it doesn't feel like I'm going to die." You whisper to your self. 

A stick snaps as you pull your wand out. "Who's there?" You say. You spin around in circles trying not to have your back turned at any angle. A small light start coming out of the woods. The moon's light shines down to reveal Fred coming out of the shadows. "Fred Weasley you scared me!" You yell smiling. He scratches the back of his neck. "Sorry love, you got here before me. I was going to set some fireworks up but never mind that. I had a backup plan." He says. 

Fred grabs your hand and drags out out into the forest again. "The other day, I was roaming around here and I came across this beautiful tree. It reminded me of you, cause you're so beautiful." He stops at a tree and kisses you. "I climbed to the top and the view is just fantastic. Come! I'll show you." Fred starts climbing up the tree. "You're like a monkey, I swear!" You yell up at him. You hear him laugh as you start climbing up. "I can't reach that branch." You say and try jumping.

You almost fall back but you grab onto another branch. "If this was a race, I would've lost big time." You say. Fred grabs your arm and lifts you up. "Oh wow, we are high up." You say looking down. "We still have a bit to go princess." He says. You both climb up to the top of the tree, past all of the leaves. "It's even better at night. You can see all of the stars." Fred sticks his hand up. "It's so beautiful." You say. The moon shines over the tree tops. 

Fred grabs your hand. "You mean the world to me Y/n. I'd do anything for you." He says looking at you. You smile. You turn and meet his eyes. His eyes look so amazing. Every time you look into them you get lost. You lay your head on his shoulder and continue looking up at the stars. "Can we name a star?" You ask. "Of course, how about....that one!" Fred points to a really bright star. "We need to think of a name." You say. "Starry!" Fred laughs. You giggle and shake your head. "No! We need something different." You say. 

There's a moment of silence before a name pops into your head. "How about Amara? It's Greek for 'lovely forever'. I think it's nice." You look over at him. Fred is just smiling at you. "What?" You say. He kisses you. "I think it's a brilliant name." He says. 

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