Chapter 18

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"Did Fred cheat on you with Angelina?" Draco leans over. You push him away and nod. "Can we just not talk about it Draco." You say. The rest of Potions goes by and Snape let's everyone go. You quickly pack your stuff up and walk out of class.

"Y/n!" You turn to see Fred running towards you. You roll your eyes and continue walking. "Y/n, please talk to me darling." He says. You turn around and stare. "Don't you 'darling' me. I don't want to talk to you Fred." You say.

He stops in front of you. "YOU'RE the one who kissed another girl. YOU cheated." You say. You turn around and continue walking to Defense Against the Dark Arts. "I just want to apologize!" Fred yells. At this point, people are staring and whispering. "An apology isn't going to fix anything! You were literally in bed with another girl, kissing her! Don't say she put you under a love potion because I know for a damn fact you weren't! Don't talk to me." You yell back. 

The hall goes quiet and everyone starts. George walks up and puts a hand on your shoulder. "Just go to your next class darling." He whispers. You nod and turn around. You quickly walk past everyone and walk into DADA.

You mount your broom and kick off into the air. You, Angelina and Penny all start passing the Quaffle back and forth, occasionally trying to throw it through on the hoops to practice with Sam. You stare up at the sunset until something hits the back of your head. You whip around and see Angelina laughing. 

You don't bother to say anything and dive down to get the Quaffle. You grab it off the ground and soar high up in the sky. You fly fast toward Sam and you can see the fear in his face. You throw the it up and whip around to use the back end of your broom.

The Quaffle flies into the top hoop while Sam missed to catch it. "Anyone can do that!" Angelina yells. "I didn't ask." You say back. Practice ends and you head to the showers. You quickly rinse and dry off. After you change, you grab your broom and bag and head back up to the castle.

You see Angelina flirting with Fred. You scoff and keep walking. "Y/n!" Angelina yells. You stop and turn with disgust. "Fred will always like me better. You really thought you had a chance." She laughs. "That's it." You drop your stuff and stomp over to her. 

She crosses her arms and smirks. You walk up to her and punch her straight in the nose. She falls to the ground. You get on top of her and throw a few more punches. "Y/n! Cut it out!" Someone yells. You feel someone pull you back but you wiggle out of their grip and continue punching Angelina. 

Someone finally grabs both of your arms and pulls you off of her. "You bitch! You fucking deserve it!" You scream. Someone grabs your hand and drags you away. "Y/n, what happened?" George asks and grabs your shoulders. You look up at him and break down. You fall to the ground and cover your face. 

George comes down to the ground with you and hold you. "Ang-Angelina told m-me that F-F-Fred will always like her b-better! A-And said I though I re-really had a chance with him." You sob. George rubs your back. You finally calm down after a bit and sit up. "Thank you George. " You smile a bit. "Of course darling. Now, let's get up to dinner. I bet you're hungry." He laughs. 

You shake your had no and stand up. "Y/n, you need to eat. I'm not having you starve yourself." He says. You roll your eyes and pick up your things. "Fine." Is all you say. George stands up and kisses your forehead. He wraps his arm around your shoulder and start to walk. 

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