Chapter 44

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"I can be your friend." You say. Myrtle looks down at you and wipes her tears. "Friends with me?" She asks. You nod and smile sadly. "Mostly everyone hates me right now. I could fancy some new friends." You say. Myrtle thinks for a second, then smiles and nods. You smile up at her and go over to George and Luna. "We are almost done with the first thing to do." George says. "This is going to be a long twenty eight days Y/n." Luna says sadly. You nod in agreement.

"Let's go back to the common room. Myrtle can you make sure nobody goes into this stall if they do come in here?" Luna asks. "Of course Luna." Myrtle smiles. You three get back under the Invisibility Cloak and run back to the common room. When you get up to the painting you see Phoebe standing there. "I demand you to let me in!" She yells. The Fat Lady just shakes her head. "You are not a Gryffindor! You do not know that password!" The Fat Lady yells back. 

You hold in a laugh as you three watch Phoebe. "Student out of bed!" Filch yells. He walks up to Phoebe and grabs her arm. "Tsk tsk, Snape will not be happy to know one of his own is out of bed trying to get into another house's dormitories." He laughs. "Let of of me! You filthy Squib!" Phoebe yells. Filch drags Phoebe away and you quickly get into the common room. You take the cloak off and burst out laughing. "That was hilarious!" You say and continue to laugh. "What was?" You turn and see Fred standing there. "Wouldn't you like to know." You scoff. George and Luna link arms with you and take you up to your dorm. 

The next day, you and George go back to the bathroom to do the step of the potion. "Alright, twenty seven days left." George says. You sadly smile. "It'll be okay Y/n." He says and hugs you. "Now let's go get breakfast. I'm starving." George says. He links his arm around yours and drags you to the Great Hall. You walk in and sit at the very end of the Gryffindor table with Neville, Luna and Cedric. "We went in earlier to do the next step." George says to them.

"I hate seeing you like this Y/n." Neville says. You smile a little. "I'll be okay Nev." You say and stare down at your plate. "Please eat love." George says. You shake your head. "I can't stop thinking about Phoebe and Fred...oh look there they are now." You slam your head on the table as they walk over. George grabs your shoulder as they sit on the other side of George. "Is Y/n crying or something?" Phoebe laughs. You put your hand up and flip her off. "Don't be rude to your superiors Mudblood!" She yells. 

"Pureblood actually." George says. Phoebe scoffs. "As if! All she does is hang around Mudbloods." In a heartbeat you are standing up with your wand at Phoebe's throat. "Call me a blood traitor, I don't give a fuck. All the Weasleys are too. It doesn't matter if you're Muggleborn, Half-Blooded, or Pure-Blooded. Who you come from shouldn't matter in the Wizarding World." Everyone in the Great Hall looks over. You can see the pure terror in his eyes. 

You look up at Fred who is also terrified. You smirk. "Pathetic. How you still believe her and then start dating." You snatch your wand away from her neck and walk out of the Great Hall. 

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