Chapter 85

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You run out of the castle and go down to the Black Lake. "Why the hell is it raining now! It was just snowing!" You yell in frustration. You sit down and look over the lake. "That tosser." You say. You start crying at the fact that you aren't going to be able to play Quidditch anymore now. Your last year at Hogwarts and can't even play your favorite thing in the world. You stand up and take your wand out. You start throwing  random spells and blowing up rocks, setting trees on fire, all sorts of things. You fall to your knees and stare at the water again. 

Your chest hurts. You're completely drenched from the rain, but you continue to there crying. Gripping your wand tightly. You feel a warm hand grab your shoulder. You move away and spin around, seeing Fred sitting there. You sigh and crawl back over to him. You rest your head on his shoulder while he puts his arm around your waist. "Are you alright love?" Fred asks. You stay silent. Fred lays his head on top of yours and holds your hand. "I hate Umbridge, banning George and I on our last year of Quidditch." You say. 

"I resigned." He says. You lift your head and look at him. "Fred why would you do that? You love Quidditch!" You say. He shrugs and pulls you onto his lap. "Well when my brother and girlfriend aren't on the team, it's not fun." He smiles. You shake your head in disappointment. "George and I shouldn't hold you back Fred." You hit his chest lightly. "We can still play during the summer with everyone else." He says and kisses you. "But we'll have to get new brooms. Umbridge confiscated ours." You throw your head back and fall. 

"You good?" Fred laughs. "Brilliant." You back roll and get to your feet. "Can we kill Umbridge?" You take your wand out. Fred runs over and takes your wand out of your hand. "No, Y/n. That's not an option." He says. "I mean it is, I'll just go to Azkaban." You smile. You try to grab your wand but Fred list it up into the air. "Fred don't do that! You know I can't reach. I'm short while you're a giant!" You try and jump to grab it but it's not use. "Gotta kiss me first." He grins. You cup his face and pull him down a bit and kiss him. 

He smiles then pulls away. "Now can I have my wand?" You put your hand out. Fred thinks for a moment then grins mischievously. "Gotta catch me first!" He yells and starts running away. "Fred Weasley you get back here!" You calls after him. You laughing you and running after him. 


You and Harry lead Dumbledore's Army to the Room of Requirement. You both stand at the front of the room. "So, Harry and I have been talking about which spell we want to teach you first." You say. "We are going to practice Expelliarmus first." Harry says. Someone groans. "Most of us know that already." They say. "Who said that?" You call out. Some boy with long black hair moves his way to the front. "Can't hurt to practice more. Help the younger kids you know. You did just say most of us knows it. Not all." You cross your arms.

He rolls his eyes and steps back. "I want everyone to get into pairs." Harry says. Everyone starts getting into pairs and "Expelliarmus!" is being yelled all around the room. You and Harry walk around examining everyone. "Lift your arm a bit higher, right there." You say to a first year. You look over at George and Fred who are having a grand time knocking each other's wands out of their hands. You walk over to Neville. 

"I can't do it." Neville says. You grab his shoulder. "Yes you can Nev. Raise your wand a bit higher. Like this." You point your wand at Luna. "Expelliarmus." You whip your want and Luna's wand flies out her hand.  You turn to Neville. "Try again." You smile. You move out of his way for him. "You can do this Neville!" Luna smiles. "Expelliarmus!" Neville yells. Luna's wand flies out of her hand and she smiles. "Well done Neville! I told you could do it." You high five him. 

Everyone claps for him as he turns red. After you and Harry walk around for a bit longer and see that everyone is doing really well, you gather them again. "I know this may of seemed short and you've only practiced one thing but we'll meet tomorrow. Same time. We saw a lot of improvement. See you all tomorrow." You smile. Everyone starts talking and walking out of the room so no one sees them.  

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