Chapter 76

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"I bet your parents would be proud of you. Especially your filthy Muggle mother. I'm going to kill you Harry Potter." Voldemort says. Harry stands up and runs behind another statue. "Don't you turn your back on me Potter! I want you to look at me when I kill you, I want to see the light leave your eyes!" Voldemort shouts at Harry. You look over at your wand that is near Cedric. You slowly start to crawl over to him. Harry walks out from the statue. "Have it your way." He says. Voldemort smiles and brings his wand up. "Avada Kedavra!" "Expelliarmus!" They yell. 

Green and red streams of light cast from both of their wands. Voldemort's keeps getting closer and closer to Harry. You pick your wand up and run over to Harry. "Expelliarmus!" You yell and red magic comes out of your wand and into the collision. A shield or vortex of some sort surrounds the three of you. People start to pop up. Ghosts of some sort. You see a man and a woman standing next to Harry. You look to your right and also see a man and woman standing there smiling at you. "Mum? Dad?" You and Harry say. 

They all nod. "Harry and Y/n, when the connection is broken you must get back to the Portkey. We can delay it for a moment to give you time but only a moment. Do you understand?" Harry's father says. You both nod. You see Cedric looking at you and smiling. "Y/n, take my body back will you? Take my body back to my father." He says. You nod and tears stream down your face. "Let go. Sweetheart, you're ready. Let go!" Harry's mother yell.

"Let go Y/n!" You mother yells. The connection breaks. You grab Harry's hand and run over to Cedric's body. "Accio Cup!" You yell. The cup flies to you and you grab it along with Harry and Cedric. You appear back at the arena with Harry and Cedric's body. The crowd cheers as Harry sits there on his knees staring at the ground and you're on Cedric's body crying. "I'm so sorry I couldn't keep you safe Cedric. I'm so sorry." You cry into his chest. 

Dumbledore runs over to Harry. He tries to ask him what happened but Harry doesn't answer. Dumbledore asks you what happened and you look up at him. "He's back, he's back! Voldemort's back! Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back. We couldn't leave him, not there!" You cry and lay back onto Cedric. Amos comes pushing through the crowd and falls to his knees crying. "I'm so sorry Amos. I tried to keep him safe. It's all my fault." You say to him. He puts his hand on your shoulder as he cries. "It's not your fault Y/n." He says and hugs Cedric's body. 

Fred walks over and puts his hands on your shoulders. "Y/n...come on, let's go. They need to move him." Fred whispers into your ear. "He was there for me. Through everything. He protected me, and I couldn't protect him in return." You look up at Fred. He sadly smiles and grabs your hand. "Come on. We can talk about what happened." He pulls you up and guides you out of the arena. You look back at Cedric and Amos. "No, don't look back. It'll hurt more." Fred says and makes you look forward. 

He takes you back up to the castle and to the common room. You sit down at the couch and stare at the fire. Fred sits next to you and starts cleaning the cuts on your face. "Tell me what happened love." He says. You sit for a moment before speaking. "When we grabbed the cup, all three of us. It took us to this graveyard. The cup was a Portkey. Harry said he's been there before. Then....Voldemort reappeared. He told this man kill Cedric."  You start crying again. "Voldemort said I looked so much like my parents. When Harry and Voldemort were dueling, I joined Harry. This vortex thing surrounded us. Our parents and Cedric was there, in ghost form of some sort. He asked me to bring his body back, so I did." You cry.

Fred wraps his arms around you and pulls you into a hug. "It's okay. He specifically asked you." Fred says. "I feel so bad. I couldn't protect him." You say. People start coming into the common room giving you sad looks. You sit up. "Cho. I need to go talk to Cho." You say and run out of the common room. You run around the whole school trying to find her. You run out to the Courtyard and see her sitting on the fountain crying. 

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