Chapter 53

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You, George and Fred enter the Great Hall. The three of you walk over to the Ravencalw table to talk to Roger Davies, the Ravenclaw Quidditch captain. "Davies! Can we talk to you?" You ask walking up to him. "Sure Y/l/n, whats up?" He asks. "Neville Longbottom had this brilliant idea. We get all four houses to go to the Quidditch Pitch at night and play together." Fred says. "Gryffindor and Ravenclaw against Slytherin and Hufflepuff. Of course we'd changed up the teams as well." You say. "It would be one great big game of Quidditch! It would be fun." George smiles.

Roger thinks for a moment then nods. "I'll talk to my team and then the whole house. It does sound fun." He smiles. You give him a thumbs up. "Tell us what they say." You move to the Hufflepuff table but realize Cedric is their captains so he's already on bored. You look over to the Slytherin table and then up at George and Fred. "This might take a bit." You laugh. You walk over to Marcus Flint. "Hey Flint, can we talk?" You tap his shoulder. He turns around and frowns. "Fine, make it quick." He says and stands up.

The four of you walk into a corner. "Neville Longbottom had this brilliant idea of bringing all four houses together to play a giant game of Quidditch almost every night. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw against Slytherin and Hufflepuff. We already talked to Davies and Diggory." You say. Marcus starts laugh. "Longbottom came up with that idea? He doesn't even play." He says. You roll your eyes. "We know that Flint." Marcus stops laughing and pauses. "But that does sound like a good idea. I'll talk to my team and get back at ya." He says and walks back to his friends.

You also go back to yours. "What did they say?" Neville asks. You smile. "Roger Davies and Marcus Flint said they'd talk to their team and that it's a good idea. Cedric and his team are already on bored." You say. Neville smiles and goes back to eating. 

You and a few other Gryffindors head out to the Quidditch Pitch to play. "Alright! Let's play some Quidditch!" You yell and fly into the sky. You guys play for an hour until Roger walks into the Pitch. "Y/n!" He yells and waves his arms in the sky. You fly down to him. "I talked to my house and they totally agree with Neville's idea!" He smiles. "That's great! I'll go tell my people. Now all we need is Slytherin. Flint hasn't said anything yet." You say.

"He better agree. This is the best idea!" Roger says. He waves goodbye and heads back up to the castle. You fly back up to the game. "Ravenclaw is on bored!" You yell happily. Everyone cheers. "Hopefully Flint agrees soon." You say. 

The rest of the day you and the twins pranked other students. You accidentally made the floor turn into ice and Dumbledore started ice skating. "I've always wanted to have an ice rink here." He says and skates away. "That was odd." George says. Snape walks by and slips on the ice. "Fuck. Go, go, GO!" You yell and push them the opposite way. You all run away laughing at Snape's face when he looked your direction. "At least Dumbledore enjoyed it." Fred says. You laugh. "That's true." You walk into the Great Hall for lunch and Flint starts walking over. 

"Y/l/n." He says and sits down. "Flint." You respond. "I talked to my team first, they agreed that it is a good idea. I talked to the whole house..." He pauses for a moment then smiles. "They also think it's a good idea." Your face brightens. "That's great! After dinner tonight, let's all meet in the library to talk. Bring your team, I'll notify Cedric and Roger." You say. He nods and heads back to the Slytherin table. 

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