Chapter 58

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Tuesday night rolls around and it's the second game at night.  Everyone gets to the Pitch. "Welcome back ladies and gents!" Lee shouts into the megaphone. "Tonight! We have Gryffindor and Slytherin against Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw!" He shouts. Everyone erupts into cheers once again. "I want you all to play nicely. Or I swear to Merlin I'm gonna push all of you off your brooms." You say. Everyone nods and looks at each other. "Let's start the game!" You shout. 

Neville comes out with the box and unlocks the Bludgers and let the Snitch go. He grabs the Quaffle and throws it up in the air. You grab it and head towards the rings. You throw it at the top ring and it goes in. You don't cheer, just fly back towards your team. Fred flies over and hits a Bludger away from you. You fly side by side a Hufflepuff Chaser and hit the Quaffle out of her hands. You grab it and do a backflip and a corkscrew to head back towards the hoops. 

As you're dodging and weaving players, a Bludger comes and hits the handle of your broom. "Shit." You say. Another Bludger hits the back end of your broom. You start to spin out of control and fall off your broom. Your back hits the ground and the wind gets knocked out of you. You gasp for air and just lay there. "Ouch." You whisper. Everyone gets to the ground to check on you. "Y/n!" Fred yells and drops to his knees. "Holy shit! Are you okay?" George asks. 

You sit up and dust yourself off. "I'm fucking brilliant George." You say. You stand up and walk over to you broom. "Dammit." You pick it up and look at the rest of it. Anger rushes over you and you break it over your knee. "Oh shit." Marcus says. "Have a Slytherin replace me. I'm done for the night." You say and walk to the bench. You throw your broken broom into the trash and sit down on the bench pissed off. 

A Slytherin Chaser got up and replaced you. "Bad things always happen to me." You say. You throw your hands up into the air and stand up. "Fuck this shit." You say and leave. You get up to the castle and try not to run into any teachers. You successfully get to the Fat Lady and say the password. She lets you in and you lay down on the couch. "Ugh, I'm gonna have to get a new broom. I'm not going to be able to practice tomorrow." You groan. You slam your face onto one of the couch pillows and just lay there. 

"I wonder if I smother myself with a pillow it'll kill me fast." You say and sit up. "Please don't do that." You look up and see Fred standing there with a worried look. You cross your arms and look away. He walks over and sits down. "What's wrong princess?" He asks. You turn away with your back facing him. He grabs your shoulders and pull you down so your laying in his lap. "What's wrong?" He repeats. You shrug your shoulders. "Tired of everybody being shitty." You say. "I'm tired. I'm falling behind in my classes. I have no motivation for school. And now my only broom is literally in pieces." You rant. 

"My life literally sucks dick right now." You say and sit up. You sit down on Fred's lap and lay your head on his chest. "Tomorrow we'll go down to Hogsmeade and get you a new broom." Fred says and kisses your head. "Did we win?" You ask. "No, Davies scores again and then Cho caught the Snitch. So we lost." He says. You nod and stand up. "Where are you going? I was comfy." Fred whines. "I'm going up to my dorm to sleep. You can join if you'd like." Fred stands up and follows you up to your dorm. 

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